Our Research

UK-Germany National Astronomy Meeting NAM2012

Survey of Astronomers

The NAM LOC invite participants to participate in the following gender survey of astronomers conducted by Dr J Fohlmeister (University of Heidelberg) and Dr. habil. Ch Helling (University of St Andrews).

Although astronomy is regarded as more attractive to women compared to pure physics, the number of women who strive for a career in astrophysics is reduced significantly with each career step, resulting in a high degree of underrepresentation at professorial level.

To quantify this statement, Fohlmeister & Helling conducted a survey in 2011 with female astronomers in Germany. The same survey will be conducted including both genders. The NAM 2012 community is invited to take part in this survey.

The data collection for the survey is done via a web-form which the participants of the NAM 2012 in Manchester, men and women, are invited to fill in. The participation takes about 5 minutes and your data is treated anonymously.

The web-form is access protected by a password. You will receive an email from the NAM organisers which contains the password.

You need to enter the password into the window 'TAN/Losung'. The web-form is in English, but the entrance to the web-form is in German as it runs on the software of the University of Heidelberg.

Thank you for your cooperation! Your help is much appreciated.

The first survey was conducted in preparation of the annual meeting of the AstroWomenNetwork (AstroFrauenNetwerk) as part of the annual meeting of the (German) Astronomical Society in Heidelberg 2011. The first set of data was collected in Germany from female astronomers only. The results are 'in press' for a refereed astronomy journal. For the time being, the authors do not wish to make this paper available, in order to not bias participants in the present survey: but offer to present all results at NAM 2013.

Click here to complete the survey