SKA Workshop
Technology Pathways to the Square Kilometer Array
held at Jodrell Bank 3rd -5th August 2000

SKA Workshop Presentations

---------------- Thursday 3 August 2000 ----------------

09:00 Review of Scientific Requirements

10:15 tea break

Institution status reports

10:45 Peter Hall, Australia

11:15 Peter Dewdney, Canada

11:45 Bo Peng, China

12:15 Lunch

13:15 Harvey Butcher, The Netherlands

13:45 Govind Swarup, India

14:15 Phil Diamond, United Kingdom

14:45 tea break

Working sessions

15:15 Working sessions 1, see schedule below

17:00 End of first day

---------------- Friday 4 August 2000 ----------------

Institution status reports

09:00 Jill Tarter, United States

09:30 Status reports discussion

09:50 tea break

Working sessions

10:20 Working sessions 2

12:00 Lunch

Technical research papers

13:00 Sandy Weinreb - Very Large Antenna Array Activity at JPL and Caltech for Space Communications and Radio Astronomy

13:30 John Dreher - The 1hT

13:50 Bryan Anderson - Aspects of Digital Signal Processing

14:10 Bart Smolders - THEA and Other Developments

14:30 Michiel van Haarlem - LOFAR; Aims and Concepts

14:50 tea break

Working sessions

15:20 Working sessions 3

17:00 End of second day

---------------- Saturday 5 August 2000 ----------------

Technical research papers

09:00 Luo Y.- Structural Analysis and Joint Design of FAST Reflector Supporting System.

09:20 Gexue Ren - On the cable-car feed support configuration for FAST

09:40 Tony Willis - Parallel and Distributed Processing with aips++

10:00 tea break

Working sessions

10:30 Working sessions 4

12:15 Lunch

Technical research papers

13:20 Andrew Parfitt - The Luneburg Lens as a SKA Element

13:40 Michael Kesteven - New Post-Correlation Interference Mitigation Techniques

14:00 Amir Leshem - Multichannel interference mitigation techniques in radio astronomy

14:20 John Bunton - SKA antenna Selection, Maximizing the Field of View

14:40 tea break

Reports from working groups

15:10 Array configuration, artificial-sky simulations

15:20 Long distance signal transmission technology

15:30 Correlator design

15:40 Station antenna and beam-forming design

15:50 Interference mitigation techniques

16:00 Site evaluation and selection

16:10 Design evaluation mechanism based on science requirements

16:20 Five-year technical planning and oversight

16:30 Discussion

17:00 End of third day

---------------- Current Poster Paper List -------------

Don Backer--- Time Domain Monitoring facility as integral part of SKA

Douglas Bock---- Configuration choices for the Allen Telescope Array

John D. Bunton---- Array configuration with uniform UV coverage

John D. Bunton---- 'Fair' UV Coverage for a Multi-Resolution Radiotelescope

John D. Bunton---- The Doublet Antenna Revisited, A Cylindrical Antenna Option

John D. Bunton---- Cancellation of GLONASS Precision Code from Cross Correlations

Steven Ellingson, John Bunton, Jon Bell.---- Cancellation of GLONASS Coarse/Acquisition Code by Parametric Modelling

Bell & Ekers---- SKA - Widely Spaced Multiple beams ?

Raymond van Dijk---- Octave Bandwidth Optical TTD Beamformer for SKA Antenna Demonstrator

A.J.Boonstra---- Interference Mitigation Strategies for Radio Astronomy: RFI research areas for SKA

A.J.Boonstra, J.D.Bregman, and A.A. Mohamoud---- LOFAR spectrum monitoring: dynamic range and spectral occupancy issues

De Vos and Noordam---- Simulations, Modelling and Calibration Issues

Govind Swarup---- Suppression of RFI from an interferometric array

Hiroshi Takeuchi---- Design of the Waseda FFT interferometer

Jill Tarter---- Trade-offs that would work particularly well for SETI

Michael I. Large and Bruce MacA Thomas.---- Single or Multiple Antenna Array Stations? - Paper
Michael I. Large and Bruce MacA Thomas.---- Single or Multiple Antenna Array Stations? - Poster

Bruce MacA. Thomas, Michael I Large, Mark Wieringa---- SKA: How Many Array Stations?

Bruce Veidt---- Phased array feeds for the LAR

Tony Willis---- Imaging and Dynamic Range Simulations for an SKA with Large Aperture Antennas

Guoding Li---- Main electric performance evaluation of the FAST

Brent Carlson---- "A New Correlator Architecture for the SKA"

Mark Walker---- A Catadioptric Antenna for the SKA

Jon F. Bell, Robert J Sault, Peter J Hall, Lisa Kewley---- Implementing Interference Suppression: Impacts on SKA System Design

Peter Dewdney---- The Large Adaptive Reflector

Bruce MacA Thomas---- The strategy for establishing one or more radio-quiet reserves in Western Australia