Our Research

FITS Header for RASS_SXRB_R1.fits

Primary Header

SIMPLE  =                    T / Written by IDL:  Mon Jun 22 23:28:21 2015      
BITPIX  =                   16 / Number of bits per data pixel                  
NAXIS   =                    0 / Number of data axes                            
EXTEND  =                    T / FITS data may contain extensions               
DATE    = '2015-06-22'         / Creation date (CCYY-MM-DD) of FITS header      
COMMENT FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in 'Astronomy  
COMMENT and Astrophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode 2001A&A...376..359H    
COMMENT FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in 'Astronomy  
COMMENT and Astrophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode 2001A&A...376..359H    
TELESCOP= 'ROSAT   '           / Mission name                                   
INSTRUME= 'PSPCC   '           / Instrument name                                
FILTER  = 'NONE    '           / Filter id: NONE or BORON                       
OBS_MODE= 'SCAN    '           / Obs mode: POINTING, SLEW, or SCAN              
EQUINOX =              2000.00 / Equinox                                        
RADECSYS= 'FK5     '           / Equatorial system reference, WCS               
MJDREFI =                48043 / MJD integer  SC clock start                    
MJDREFF =           0.87974537 / MJD fraction SC clock start                    
ZERODATE= '01/06/90'           / UT date of SC start (DD/MM/YY)                 
ZEROTIME= '21:06:50'           / UT time of SC start (HH:MM:SS)                 
DATE-OBS= '11/06/90'           / UT date of obs start (DD/MM/YY)                
TIME-OBS= '00:00:00.000'       / UT time of obs start (HH:MM:SS)                
DATE_END= '12/08/91'           / UT date of obs end   (DD/MM/YY)                
TIME_END= '23:59:59.999'       / UT time of obs end   (HH:MM:SS)                
LIVETIME=              1.00000 / Live time                                      
DTCOR   =              1.00000 / Dead time correction factor                    
ONTIME  =              1.00000 / On time                                        
HISTORY Info from original processing:                                          
HISTORY These maps of the soft X-ray diffuse background are provided by the     
HISTORY Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, Garching, Germany.   
HISTORY They have been derived from the ROSAT all-sky survey using data from    
HISTORY the X-ray Telescope collected by the Position Sensitive Proportional    
HISTORY Counters.  Details of the survey and data reduction can be found in     
HISTORY Snowden et al. 1997, Astrophysical Journal, 485, 125 and references     
HISTORY therein.                                                                
HISTORY The maps come as ordered pairs of count rate and count-rate uncertainty 
HISTORY images in six energy bands in six projections.  The projection used is  
HISTORY the Zenith Equal Area in Galactic coordinates.  The projection centers  
HISTORY are at l,b =  0,90  0,-90  0,0  90,0  180,0 and 270,0.  The pulse-      
HISTORY height invariant (PI) channel bands are:                                
HISTORY R1=8-19, R2=20-41, R4=52-69, R5=70-90, R6=91-131, R7=132-201            
HISTORY The units (Snowdens, for historical reasons) of the count-rate and      
HISTORY uncertainty maps are 10^-6 counts s^-1 arcmin^-2.  This is a            
HISTORY detector-specific unit normalized to the on-axis effective area of      
HISTORY the detectors.  The data have been corrected for the particle           
HISTORY background, scattered solar X-ray background, and long-term             
HISTORY enhancement background, and corrected for exposure.                     
HISTORY COORDINATE CONVENTION                                                   
HISTORY This image uses the convention in which (1,1) is the      
HISTORY coordinate of the center of the pixel in the lower                      
HISTORY left-hand corner.                                                       
HISTORY Converted to HEALPix by RO2HP v0.7                                      
HISTORY ZEA panel copied to oversampled HEALPix grid                            
HISTORY Individual panels averaged onto final HEALPix grid                      
HISTORY then merged by direct averaging                                         

Extension Header

XTENSION= 'BINTABLE'           /Written by IDL:  Mon Jun 22 23:28:21 2015       
BITPIX  =                    8 /                                                
NAXIS   =                    2 /Binary table                                    
NAXIS1  =                 8192 /Number of bytes per row                         
NAXIS2  =                 3072 /Number of rows                                  
PCOUNT  =                    0 /Random parameter count                          
GCOUNT  =                    1 /Group count                                     
TFIELDS =                    2 /Number of columns                               
TFORM1  = '1024E   '           /Real*4 (floating point)                         
TFORM2  = '1024E   '           /Real*4 (floating point)                         
TTYPE1  = 'COUNT_RATE'         /                                                
TUNIT1  = '1e-6cts/s/arcmin^2' /                                                
TTYPE2  = 'UNCERTAINTY'        /                                                
TUNIT2  = '1e-6cts/s/arcmin^2' /                                                
HISTORY g000m90r1b120pm.fits created on 10/08/97. PI channel range:  8: 19      
PIXTYPE = 'HEALPIX '           / HEALPIX pixelisation                           
ORDERING= 'NESTED  '           / Pixel ordering scheme, either RING or NESTED   
NSIDE   =                  512 / Healpix resolution parameter                   
NPIX    =              3145728 / Total number of pixels                         
OBJECT  = 'FULLSKY '           / Sky coverage, either FULLSKY or PARTIAL        
FIRSTPIX=                    0 / First pixel # (0 based)                        
LASTPIX =              3145727 / Last pixel # (zero based)                      
INDXSCHM= 'IMPLICIT'           / indexing : IMPLICIT or EXPLICIT                
GRAIN   =                    0 / GRAIN = 0: No index,                           
COMMENT         GRAIN =1: 1 pixel index for each pixel,                         
COMMENT         GRAIN >1: 1 pixel index for Grain consecutive pixels            
BAD_DATA=         -1.63750E+30 / Sentinel value given to bad pixels             
COORDSYS= 'G       '           / Pixelization coordinate system                 
COMMENT         G = Galactic, E = ecliptic, C = celestial = equatorial