Our Research

JBCA and Schuster Colloquia - 2013

JBCA Colloquia begin at 3.00pm every Wednesday in the Sir Bernard Lovell Seminar Room (3.225) in the Alan Turing Building, unless otherwise stated. Tea, coffee and biscuits are served from 2.45pm. The post-colloquium social starts at 4.30pm in the tea room.

Schuster Colloquia normally start at 2.30pm and take place in the Rutherford Lecture Theatre in the Schuster Building.

To view a talk abstract, click on the talk title. Click again on the talk title to hide the abstract.

The JBCA Colloquium organisers this year were: Michael Brown, Rob Beswick and Mike Peel.

September 18 Clive Tadhunter
Triggering the most luminous AGN
September 25 Adam Deller
mJIVE-20: Learning from the mJy radio sky at mas resolution
October 2 Michael Keith
(JBCA, Manchester)
Gravitational waves, diamond planets, and other fantastic tales from Parkes
October 9
Stephen Barnett
Schuster Colloquium - The enigma of optical momentum
October 11 (FRIDAY)
(EXTRA - 2.10pm)
Marcelle Soares-Santos
Extra seminar - The Dark Energy Survey status, first results and perspectives
October 15 (TUESDAY)
(EXTRA - 3.00pm)
Peter Dewdney
Extra seminar - The Baseline Design for the SKA
October 16
(Note time - 3:30pm)
Victor Debattista
The evolution of disc galaxies
October 23 Erminia Calabrese
Small scale anisotropies from the Atacama Cosmology Telescope
October 30 Internal Symposium
November 1 Julian Bautista
(APC Paris)
Extra seminar - Baryon Acoustic Oscillations in the Lyman-alpha forest of BOSS quasars
November 6
Paola Borri
Schuster Colloquium - Shedding new light on cells with coherent multiphoton microscopy.
November 12 Clare Chandler
Extra seminar -
The formation of planetesimals in proto-planetary disks, observed with the Jansky VLA
November 13 Mikako Matsuura
Herschel and ALMA find supernovae as dust factories
November 20 Jonathan Pritchard
(Imperial College)
Exploring the dawn of cosmic structure with the 21cm line
November 27 Valery Nakariakov
Magnetohydrodynamic seismology of the solar corona in the era of SDO
December 4
Robert Braun
Schuster Colloquium - The Square Kilometer Array.
December 6
(12.00 midday)
Slava Lukin
Extra seminar - Study of magnetic reconnection in the fluid regime: the variety of environments and outcomes.
December 6 Benjamin Racine
(APC Paris)
Extra seminar - Non-Gaussianity with Planck: fNL and the smoothed bispectrum using the binned bispectrum estimator
December 11 Christoph Mordasini
(MPIA, Heidelberg)
Planetary population synthesis and the planetary mass-radius relationship
December 12
Anna Scaife
Extra seminar - High Energy Processes in Low Mass YSOs
January 29 Chris Messenger
Gravitational wave detection: Prospects and future possibilities
February 5 Jenny Nelson
Schuster Colloquium - Molecular Electronic Materials for use in Solar Cells
Thursday February 6
Mark Allen
(CDS, Strasbourg)
Extra seminar - The CDS and the Virtual Observatory Enabling Science
February 12 Paul Crowther
The most massive stars in the Local Universe
February 19 Robert Braun
Near-Field Cosmology
February 26 Jean-Luc Starck
(CEA, Saclay)
Joint CMB map reconstruction from WMAP-9yr and Planck-PR1 data
March 5 Manda Banerji
The Dustiest Quasars in the Universe: Observing the transition from starburst to AGN
March 12 Ian Shipsey
March 19 Carole Mundell
The Transient Explosive Universe
April 2 Iain McDonald
Metal-poor stars: tracers of the Universe's chemical evolution
April 9 Jane Greaves
(St Andrews)
Searching for solar system twins
April 23 Chris Hales
The nature of faint polarized radio sources
April 30 Benjamin Joachimi
Errors of errors and systematics of systematics
May 7
Subir Sarkar
May 7
Daniel Mortlock
Bayesian model comparison in astronomy and cosmology
May 13
Ue-Li Pen
Special seminar - Detecting Neutrinos with peculiar flows
May 15
Tim de Zeeuw
Special seminar - ESO: Present and Future
May 21 Keith Grainge
AMI follow up of the Planck cluster catalog
May 28 Katherine Joy
Unravelling the impact history of the Moon
June 4 David Kipping
(CfA, Harvard)
The Hunt for Exomoons with Kepler (HEK) Project
June 25 Clem Pryke
Special seminar - BICEP2: Detection of B-mode polarization on degree angular scales
July 23 Richard Shaw
Special seminar - The Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME)