Our Research

JBCA and Schuster Colloquia - 2014

JBCA Colloquia begin at 3.00pm every Wednesday in the Sir Bernard Lovell Seminar Room (3.225) in the Alan Turing Building, unless otherwise stated. Tea, coffee and biscuits are served from 2.45pm. The post-colloquium social starts at 4.30pm in the tea room.

Schuster Colloquia normally start at 2.30pm and take place in the Rutherford Lecture Theatre in the Schuster Building.

To view a talk abstract, click on the talk title. Click again on the talk title to hide the abstract.

The JBCA Colloquium organisers this year were: Michael Brown, Rob Beswick and Mike Peel.


August 21
Alan Duffy
Extra seminar - First Galaxies and DRAGONS
August 28
(THURSDAY 2.30pm)
J.F. Drake
(University of Maryland & UC Berkeley)
Extra seminar - Voyager crosses the heliopause
September 17 Shaun Hotchkiss
Can we measure the ISW effect of voids? Do they explain the CMB coldspot? (what other cosmology can we do with them?)
September 24 Annette Ferguson
The Peripheries of Nearby Galaxies: Dim but not Dull
October 1
Paola Borri Schuster Colloquium - Shedding new light on cells with coherent multiphoton microscopy
October 8 Christopher J. Conselice
Galaxy Assembly as a New Probe of Cosmology
October 15 Andrew Lyne
(JBCA/JBO Manchester)
Understanding Pulsar Spin-down
October 29 Internal Symposium
November 5
Silvia Resconi
Schuster Colloquium - High energy neutrinos from the Cosmos? Recent results from IceCube
November 7
(FRIDAY, 2pm)
Danny Price
Extra seminar - Instrumentation to detect the dark ages
November 12 Greg Sloan
The story of carbon: From carbon stars to aromatic hydrocarbons and fullerenes
November 13
Hans Olofsson
Extra seminar - ALMA observations of the molecular jets in the proto-planetary nebula HD 101584
November 19 Rowan Smith
Star Formation Then and Now
November 26
Maurizio Salaris
(Liverpool John Moores)
Galactic and extragalactic globular clusters: New views and new major problems
December 3
Chris Lintott
Schuster Colloquium - The Zooniverse
December 10 Scott Ransom
But wait! There's more!: A Wealth of Science from Millisecond Pulsars
January 21 Cormac Purcell
(University of Sydney)
Additional Seminar: Probing the Galactic Magnetic Field using the Gum Nebula
January 28 Gary Fuller
(JBCA Manchester)
Peering into the Dark: Infrared Dark Clouds and Massive Star Formation
February 4
Colin Humphreys
(University of Cambridge)
Schuster Colloquium -
How Gallium Nitride can save energy and carbon emissions, and improve exam performance!
February 11 Moira Jardine
(St Andrews)
The Space Weather of other Suns
February 13
Jens Chluba
(IoA, Cambridge)
Additional Seminar: Science with CMB Spectral Distortions
February 25 Alastair Edge
The Rise and Fall (and Rise again!) of NGC1275
March 4
Val Gibson Schuster Colloquium - Fruitful flavour at the Large Hadron Collider
March 11
Stephen Padin
Schuster Colloquium - Prospects for far-infrared surveys
March 18 Richard Hills
How ALMA came to be
April 15 Ignas Snellen
Finding extraterrestrial life using ground-based high-dispersion spectroscopy
April 22
Ray Goldstein
(DAMPT, Cambridge)
Schuster Colloquium - Synchronization of Cilia
April 29 Daisuke Kawata
Spiral arms in numerical simulations of disc galaxies
May 6 Janet Drew
Surveying the optical Galactic Plane at 1 arcsec resolution
May 13 Debora Sijacki
How to model AGN in cosmological simulations?
May 20 Serena Viti
Determining the physical and chemical conditions of AGN and starburst galaxies
May 27 Douglas Scott
New results from Planck
May 29
Douglas Scott
Additional Seminar: Statistics of deep radio counts