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distance.tar.gz Duncan Lorimer References Download
Used in Chapter 4.
Distance estimator program comparing a variety of different models used to calculate the distances to pulsars for a given position and DM value.
PRESTO Scott Ransom Reference
Used in Chapters 5-7.
SEEK Duncan Lorimer Download
Used in Chapter 6.
The SEEK package searches for radio pulsars in noisy data sets.
FFA Peter Muller
(adapated by Michael Kramer)
Used in Chapter 6.
SIGPROC Duncan Lorimer
Used in Chapter 7.
Designed to standardize the initial analysis of the many types of fast-sampled pulsar data being collected using machines at Arecibo and other observatories.
TEMPO Princeton University
Used in Chapter 8.
Deduces pulsar rotation, astrometric, and binary parameters by fitting models to pulse times of arrival measured at one or more terrestrial observatories.
TempoTk Duncan Lorimer Download
Used in Chapter 8.
An easy-to-use graphical interface to TEMPO.
TIMAPR Oleg Doroshenko &
Sergei Kopeikin
References 1 2 Download (UNIX)
Used in Chapter 8.
Pulsar timing analysis program, available for UNIX or DOS.
Used in Chapter 9.
Analysis software suite for multi-telescope, multi-frequency data. Includes conversion tools.
Used to produce mass-mass diagrams similar to the one shown in Chapter 2.
Takes various constraints and measured orbital parameters in pulsar binary systems and produces a pulsar mass vs companion mass plot with additional plots for the individual mass probability density functions.

Observing Backends

The following table summarizes the basic information of each machine. From left to right, the columns list the host telescope, machine acronym, the type of technology, the present access of the machines to outside users, the operating mode, total bandwidth (MHz), number of frequency channels, bandwidth per channel (kHz), shortest sampling interval (us), number of bits recorded per sample, number of polarizations recorded and the data storage method.

Telescope Machine What is it exactly? Access Mode(s) BW Nchans ChBW Samp Nbit Npol Storage
Jodrell Bank COBRA Baseband recorder Public Timing/Search  <100 - Disk 
Arecibo WAPP Digital correlator Public Search 4x100  32-1024 -
16,32  Disk
Arecibo AOFTM FFT spectrometer Public Search 10  1024  9.8  102.4 2/4  Mammoth
Arecibo PSPM Analogue filterbank Public Search/Timing 7.68 128  60  80/12 Exabyte/Disk
Arecibo Mk-IV Baseband recorder Private Baseband 5/10  4/2  4/4  DLT 
Arecibo CBR Baseband recorder Private Baseband 5/10  4/2  4/4  DLT 
Arecibo ASP Baseband recorder Public Timing/Search  <64 - - Disk 
Effelsberg EPOS Analogue Filterbank Public Timing/Search  <2000 0.666-2000 >0.2 32  2/4  Disk 
Effelsberg POSEY Analouge Filterbank Public Search  <2000 4-64 0.666-2000 >0.2 32  2/4  Disk 
Effelsberg EBPP Baseband recorder Public Timing  <128 - - Disk 
Green Bank GASP Baseband recorder Public Timing/Search  <64 - Disk 
Green Bank GPSR Baseband recorder Private Timing/Search  <64 - Disk 
Parkes CPSR2 Baseband recorder Public Timing/Search  <128 - Disk 
Parkes PMdaq Analogue filterbanks Public Search/Timing 288-768 96-? 3000 80 Tape
Westerbork PuMA Digital FB/Baseband rec Public Search/Timing 8x10 progr. progr. Nyquist 2/4  Disk
Westerbork PuMA II Baseband Recorder Public Search/Timing 160 -- -- -- 8x20  Disk


Last updated 20:35 17/11/2004