Contact Numbers and Addresses
Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics operates over a number of sites with the main research activities based in the Alan Turing Building on the main University campus, some technical research is carried out in the Sackville St Building and the telescope operations and further technical development at Jodrell Bank Observatory, 20 miles south in Cheshire. The Discovery Centre, which is open to the public, is also on site at the Observatory. The addresses are given below.
Press/media enquires should be directed to or by calling the University of Manchester Press Office on 0161 275 8387.
Contact details for individuals
Alan Turing Building
M13 9PL,
Jodrell Bank Observatory
SK11 9DL, (see note below on postcode to use for sat nav)
Please note: If you are using a sat nav to navigate to Jodrell Bank Observatory then the best postcode to use is SK11 9DW as this will bring you to the end of Bomish Lane near to the signposted north entrance. The official postcode SK11 9DL in our postal address will unfortunately attempt to bring you in via our southern entrance which is not open to the public.
Jodrell Bank Discovery Centre
SK11 9DL, (see note below on postcode to use for sat nav)
Please note: If you are using a sat nav to navigate to Jodrell Bank Discovery Centre then the best postcode to use is SK11 9DW as this will bring you to the end of Bomish Lane near to the signposted north entrance. The official postcode SK11 9DL in our postal address will unfortunately attempt to bring you in via our southern entrance which is not open to the public.