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Chapter 9

Beyond Single Radio Dishes

Opening Paragraph
Further Reading
Available Resources

Opening Paragraph

In previous chapters of this book we aimed to provide the reader with the necessary tools and background for single-dish radio observations. Pulsar astronomy, however, is a truly multi-wavelength science, with fantastic results at infrared, optical, X-ray and gamma-ray frequencies. In order to carry out or analyse most of these observations, a knowledge of the techniques described in the previous chapters is useful or even required. Moreover, most observations and their interpretation beyond single radio dishes still rely on accurate pulsar ephemerides that are obtained with single-dish radio observations. In this final chapter, we look at different observing modes and frequencies and their relationship to classical radio observations. We outline the basic principles and, in the case of high-energy observations, provide also some background information that is needed to construct the `big picture' of the pulsar phenomenon.


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Further Reading

Available Resources

EPN homepage. Includes institutions and software downloading instructions.

TEMPO homepage. Includes manual and installation instructions.

Last updated 12:42 24/11/2004