3C 173.1


Basic Data
S178 Alpha FR Class ID Spectrum Best z mag. LAS lg P178 D
16.80.88IICD Gal0.2920R(c) = 17.50 61.0026.38 220.0


Size: 76.8 × 76.8 arcsec²
LUT: Logarithmic
Beam: 1.1 arcsec
Frequency: 1477 MHz
Method: CLEAN Õ˜ÿ>1.1
Telescope: VLA A+B
Credits: Leahy & Perley (1991)

In a distant cluster. The HST image of the host galaxy suggests a dust lane more or less perpendicular to the source axis (de Koff et al. 1996). The galaxy position is marked by a small cross at the base of the northern lobe; it is coincident with the radio core. There is a hint of a jet in the northern lobe which is confirmed by the 8 GHz data of Hardcastle et al. (1997). In their high resolution data the northern double hotspot is resolved into a bright knotty rim around the edge of the lobe. The southern hotspot also shows some structure.

Because this object is about as close to "typical" as we have in the sample, we use it as our example on our page explaining radio images, which gives several other renderings of this image which may be useful. (For instance, the jet is more obvious in some of them than in the version on this page).

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Page created: 2009 Apr 2 14:16:42
J. P. Leahy