3C 184.1


Basic Data
S178 Alpha FR Class ID Spectrum Best z mag. LAS lg P178 D
14.20.68IICD Gal0.1182R = 17.21 182.0025.49 342.7


Size: 307.2 × 307.2 arcsec²
LUT: Logarithmic
Beam: 4.3 arcsec
Frequency: 1477 MHz
Method: CLEAN Õ˜ÿ>4.3
Telescope: VLA B+C
Credits: Leahy & Perley (1991)

The radio core is the compact feature on the north edge of the souther lobe, close to the line connecting the hotspots.

The hotspots project some distance out from the relatively relaxed bridge, giving the lobes a bottleneck structure. Similar structures are quite common in classical doubles (there are at least five cases in this Atlas), but 3C 184.1 is a particularly clear example. The structure suggests that the hotspots have suddenly become able to push outwards faster than before, perhaps because of a drop in the density of the surrounding gas at a certain radius, for instance at the boundary between the host galaxy's atmosphere and the start of the true inter-galactic medium. The same effect could arise from a sudden increase in the beam density and hence energy output, or from a stabilization of a jet that had previously wobbled around in its pointing direction.

Higher-resolution images of the hotspots are given by Leahy et al. (1997), who note a possible jet feeding in to the north hotspot.

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Page created: 2009 Apr 2 14:16:42
J. P. Leahy