Part 1: Basic Calibration

Guidance for calibrating EVN data using CASA

This guide used the self-contained (not modular) CASA version

Important: Before starting, please ensure that the correct version is on your system. On the UNIX command line type casa --nogui to open CASA and look for the following line on the command line and ensure that the highlighted number is equal or larger than 6.4.0:

CASA -- Common Astronomy Software Applications []

If you find a version less than 6.4, please inform the DARA trainer who can provide the newer version. However, if the version is correct, type exit to exit CASA.

For this workshop, you need about 20 GB of disk space, although one could manage with less by moving early versions of these files to storage.

In the following three parts, we shall build up to making your own calibration scripts by performing the data reduction in three different ways with reducing amount of assistance in each part:

  • In Part 1 (this page), we will work interactively to see what each parameter is for. This is used for the initial steps and calibration common to all sources.
  • In Part 2, we will calibrate and image one phase-reference and target by entering parameters into a script (
  • And finally in Part 3, you shall use the information learnt in the previous sections to generate own calibration script for the other phase-reference - target pair.

Table of contents

  1. Data and supporting material
  2. The CASA environment
  3. Data preparation
  4. Data loading and inspection
    1. Loading the data
    2. Fix antenna tables
    3. A priori calibration
    4. Inspect and flag data
  5. Fringe-fitting
    1. Instrumental delays
    2. Multi-band delay
  6. Bandpass calibration
  7. Apply calibration and split out phase-ref - target pairs

1. Data and supporting material

n14c3 is an EVN network monitoring experiment to see how well the EVN is performing. It contains two target - phase-reference pairs of bright sources (plus a 5th source which we will not use). These data are contained in FITS-IDI files which are output from the correlator. The following table shows the sources in these files we are going to use. Don't worry about knowing what these are going to be used for yet, we will get around to this.

Field ID Name Position (J2000) Role
0 J1640+3946 16h40m29.632770s +39d46m46.02836s Phase calibrator
1 3C345 16h42m58.809965s +39d48m36.99402s Target
2 J1849+3024 18h49m20.103406s +30d24m14.23712s Target
3 1848+283 18h50m27.589825s +28d25m13.15523s Phase calibrator
4 2023+336 20h25m10.842114s +33d43m00.21435s Not used

J1849+3024 is also used as bandpass calibrator because it is a bright, compact source with good data on all baselines. If you are reducing a new data set, you would check the suitability of the bandpass calibrator early on in the data reduction process.

For this part, you should have downloaded the tar bundle (EVN_continuum_pt1_casa6.tar.gz) using the link on the home page. With this in hand let's start:

  • Make a directory called something you will remember, e.g. EVN, and work in it. (Do not do data reduction within the CASA installation).
  • Copy the data and files you need to this directory and extract the various scripts using tar. <path_to_files> is the original location of these files. Note: anything within triangular brackets i.e. <> means something for you to fill in and anything after a # is a comment

mkdir EVN
cd EVN
cp <path_to_files>/EVN_continuum_pt1_casa6.tar.gz .

tar -xvf EVN_continuum_pt1_casa6.tar.gz   # extract the additional material.

  • Let's check that all the data is there and we are in the right place. Type pwd into the UNIX command line and you should see something like <path_to_files>/EVN/ returned (where path is the location which is often the UNIX home). Now type ls into the command line and you should find at least the following files:

  1. Raw visibility data (FITS-IDI files from the JIVE correlator).
    • n14c3_1_1.IDI1
    • n14c3_1_1.IDI2
  2. Gain curve and $T_\mathrm{sys}$ data file
    • n14c3.antab
  3. Helper scripts by Mark Kettenis to generate CASA-compatible $T_\mathrm{sys}$ and gain curves from the .antab table.
    • casavlbitools - Nb: this is a folder!
  4. Flag command files. You can write these yourself, but to save time you can use this one.
    • flagSH.flagcmd
  5. The complete python calibration script ( if you get stuck or need to re-calibrate quickly!

2. The CASA environment

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To start CASA, we enter the simple command casa into the UNIX command line and should come up with the following (barring subtle changes due to the operating system you use):


optional configuration file not found, continuing CASA startup without it

IPython 7.15.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python.

Using matplotlib backend: MacOSX
Telemetry initialized. Telemetry will send anonymized usage statistics to NRAO.
You can disable telemetry by adding the following line to the file in your rcdir (e.g. ~/.casa/
telemetry_enabled = False
--> CrashReporter initialized.
CASA -- Common Astronomy Software Applications []

CASA <1>:

For those familiar to ipython, this should look similar. Using this prompt, we shall use the various tasks and functions within CASA to begin calibrating our data. In addition, you will see that there is another window opened when we initialised CASA. This is the logger. The logger should look something like this:

IMPORTANT: The logger will show the information on the tasks which have been executed and if anything is erroneous or fails. It is vitally important to check this to evaluate the performance of the calibration. We will use this a lot during this tutorial.

3. Data preparation

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Now we need to generate some apriori meta-data using the helper scripts that are contained in the casavlbitools module that was part of the tar bundle. The FITS-IDI files does not have any extra information on the individual antennas such as the system temperatures ($T_\mathrm{sys}$) which provides the flux scaling for the observation nor the gain curves i.e., the difference in the effective sensitivity of the telescopes due to deformation of dishes due to gravity and differing atmospheric opacities with source elevation.

To start, we need to make the module available to CASA, therefore we need to put casavlbitools in our path. Copy the following code and enter into your CASA prompt:

import inspect, os, sys, json

This now allows us to import the various functions we need to generate the apriori meta-data. Firstly, we are going to attach the system temperature information to the FITS-IDI files using the append_tsys function. This needs to be done individually so input the following code into the command line:

from casavlbitools.fitsidi import append_tsys
append_tsys(antabfile='n14c3.antab', idifiles='n14c3_1_1.IDI1')
append_tsys(antabfile='n14c3.antab', idifiles='n14c3_1_1.IDI2')

The .antab file which contains the $T_\mathrm{sys}$ information and gain information is specified and then applied to the FITS-IDI files in turn. This may take a few minutes so have a coffee!

Once this is complete, we also need to extract the gain information for each antenna from the antab file. Again we use another function to do this namely append_gc. This will append the gaincurve information to the idifiles which we shall convert to a gain curve later on (and explain what it does).

from casavlbitools.fitsidi import append_gc
append_gc(antabfile='n14c3.antab', idifile='n14c3_1_1.IDI1')
append_gc(antabfile='n14c3.antab', idifile='n14c3_1_1.IDI2')

It is worth noting that these pre-calibration steps are often different for other arrays. For example, the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) data often comes with the gain curve and system temperatures already attached so the previous steps don't often need to be used; while for Long Baseline Array (LBA) data you may need to make the antab table yourself and then attach to the idifiles. If you are unsure what needs to be done, contact a support scientist of the array that you're using. Note that if you apply these accidentally twice, you won't mess up your data.

4. Data loading and inspection

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4A. Loading the data

Let's use our first task in CASA. We shall be using the importfitsidi task to change the FITS-IDI files (n14c3_1_1.IDI1 & n14c3_1_1.IDI2) we prepared earlier into a CASA compatible format called a measurement set.

Whenever we use a task in CASA (in interactive mode), it is always good practice to make sure that previous inputs are deleted because some inputs are shared across multiple tasks. In the CASA prompt, we can firstly initialise a task using default(<taskname>). So for this purpose we instead type default(importfitsidi) into the prompt.

With the task initialised, we need to set the inputs (explained later) of the task, i.e. what do we want the task to do?. Typing inp into the prompt should return:

# importfitsidi -- Convert a FITS-IDI file to a CASA visibility data set
fitsidifile      = ['']  # Name(s) of input FITS-IDI file(s)
vis              = ''    # Name of output visibility file
constobsid       = False # If True, give constant obs ID==0 to the data from all input fitsidi files (False = separate obs id for each file)
scanreindexgap_s = 0.0   # Min time gap (seconds) between integrations to start a new scan
specframe        = 'GEO' # Spectral reference frame for all spectral windows in the output MS

So how do we interpret this? The labels to the left of the = are the inputs (e.g. fitsidifile, constobsid, specframe) and the value which they are currently set to are to the right of the =. The default values indicate what sort of input is required (e.g. [''] indicates a string array, False needs a Boolean etc etc.). A short description of each input is given by the text after the hash symbol. To set the inputs we use the syntax <input>=<value/array>. CASA helps here and will colour the input values red if the entry is the wrong data type (as is the case with the fitsidifile input at the moment) and blue if the input is set (i.e. non-default) and is of the right type.

IMPORTANT A key thing to remember when using CASA is the help command. This command gives many more details than the input command and can also provide examples of execution of tasks. Try typing help(importfitsidi) into the command line. This should return something like:

Help on _importfitsidi in module casashell.private.importfitsidi object:

class _importfitsidi(builtins.object)
 |  importfitsidi ---- Convert a FITS-IDI file to a CASA visibility data set
 |  Convert a FITS-IDI file to a CASA visiblity data set.
 |  If several files are given, they will be concatenated into one MS.
 |  --------- parameter descriptions ---------------------------------------------
 |  fitsidifile      Name(s) of input FITS-IDI file(s)
 |                   Default: none (must be supplied)
 |                      Examples: 
 |                      fitsidifile='3C273XC1.IDI'
 |                      fitsidifile=['3C273XC1.IDI1','3C273XC1.IDI2']
 |  vis              Name of output visibility file
 |                   Default: none
 |                      Example: outputvis=''
 |  constobsid       If True, give constant obs ID==0 to the data from all
 |                   input fitsidi files (False = separate obs id for each file)
 |                   Default: False (new obs id for each input file)
 |                   Options: False|True
 |  scanreindexgap_s Min time gap (seconds) between integrations to start a
 |                   new scan
 |                   Default: 0. (no reindexing)
 |                   If > 0., a new scan is started whenever the gap
 |                   between two integrations is > the given value
 |                   (seconds) or when a new field starts or when the
 |                   ARRAY_ID changes.
 |  specframe        This frame will be used to set the spectral reference
 |                   frame for all spectral windows in the output MS
 |                   Default: GEO (geocentric)
 |                   Options: GEO|TOPO|LSRK|BARY
 |                   NOTE: if specframe is set to TOPO, the reference
 |                   location will be taken from the Observatories
 |                   table in the CASA data repository for the given
 |                   name of the observatory. You can edit that table
 |                   and add new rows.

You can type in q to return back to the CASA prompt. Note you can also use the online CASA docs, which provides help for all of these tasks.

Ok let's get back to the importfitsidi task. We want to convert our FITS-IDI files to a CASA-compatible visibility file known as a measurement set. If we look at the inputs, we need to set at least the fitsidifile and the vis inputs. We will also set constobsid and scanreindexgap_s parameters, but these are not essential, it just makes the data tidier. Type the following inputs into your CASA prompt:

fitsidifile=['n14c3_1_1.IDI1','n14c3_1_1.IDI2']   # fits files to convert
vis=''                             # output ms file name
constobsid=True                                   # data could be processed together
scanreindexgap_s=15                               # only separate scans if gap >15 sec (or source change)

Important: After setting your inputs, always check your inputs before running the task. You don't want the task messing up your data! Type inp() again and you'll get the following returned:

CASA <3>: inp
--------> inp()
#  importfitsidi :: Convert a FITS-IDI file to a CASA visibility data set
fitsidifile         = ['n14c3_1_1.IDI1', 'n14c3_1_1.IDI2'] #  Name(s) of input FITS-IDI file(s)
vis                 = '' #  Name of output visibility file (MS)
constobsid          =       True        #  If True, give constant obs ID==0 to the data from all input fitsidi files (False = separate obs id for each file)
scanreindexgap_s    =         15        #  min time gap (seconds) between integrations to start a new scan
specframe           =      'GEO'        #  spectral reference frame for all spectral windows in the output MS

As you can see, the inputs which have been set are now blue and the fitsidifile input has changed to blue indicating that the data type is correct. If you are happy with the inputs, the task should be executed by typing either importfitsidi() or go()!.

You will notice that the prompt has gone and nothing can be typed into CASA until the task has finished. Take a look at the logger, this gives you more information into the progress of the task along with what the task is doing and if there are any errors associated with the inputs and/or the data sets.

Once the task is complete, you should find that there is a new file called To see this file from within the CASA prompt, you can use an ! before the command to convert it into a UNIX command. For example, typing !ls should return something similar to:

casavlbitools/            importfitsidi.last           n14c3_1_1.IDI1         
n14c3_1_1.IDI2              n14c3.antab
           flagSH.flagcmd            casa-20211101-093800.log             

One of the most important aspects of data reduction is to understand your data!. Without knowing what your data looks like and its quality, the resultant calibration can often be sub-optimal. CASA provides lots of tools to assess and understand your data. The first, and one of the most essential of these is provided by the listobs task. This task outlines the structure of your data such as the frequencies observed, the antennas involved and the observing plan.

In the CASA prompt, initialise and run listobs using (and remember to check the inputs and what they do using inp() before executing the task):

os.system('rm -rf')  # note that this deletes the file that will be made with this task
listfile=''   # This makes a file with the listobs info.

The command makes a file in the current working directory called which contains information about the measurement set. You can also set listfile="" to send this information to the logger instead. Try opening this file with your favourite text editor, such as gedit. Remember a ! before the command lets you run UNIX commands from CASA. So, if you use gedit, the command to write in the command line would be !gedit

So what is included in this file:

  • Scan listings: this shows the pattern of observations. Each scan is about 1 min and each individual integration about 2 sec.

  Date        Timerange (UTC)          Scan  FldId FieldName             nRows       SpwIds           Average Interval(s)
22-Oct-2014/12:00:00.0 - 12:04:00.0     1      1   3C345                 52800  [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]  [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]
            12:06:00.0 - 12:10:00.0     2      1   3C345                 63360  [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]  [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]
            12:12:00.0 - 12:13:00.0     3      1   3C345                 15840  [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]  [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]
            12:13:40.0 - 12:14:40.0     4      1   3C345                 15840  [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]  [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]
            12:15:20.0 - 12:16:20.0     5      0   J1640+3946            15840  [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]  [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]
            12:17:00.0 - 12:18:00.0     6      1   3C345                 13200  [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]  [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]
            12:18:40.0 - 12:19:40.0     7      0   J1640+3946            13200  [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]  [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]
            12:20:20.0 - 12:21:20.0     8      1   3C345                 15840  [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]  [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]

  • Names and positions of fields observed.

Fields: 5
ID   Code Name                RA               Decl           Epoch        nRows
0         J1640+3946          16:40:29.632770 + J2000       254400
1         3C345               16:42:58.809965 + J2000       383520
2         J1849+3024          18:49:20.103406 + J2000       276480
3         1848+283            18:50:27.589825 + J2000       388800
4         2023+336            20:25:10.842114 + J2000       542880

  • Correlator set-up: there are 8 spectral windows (or IFs), each of 32 channels, and 4 polarisation products (we will only use the total intensity combination of RR and LL).

Spectral Windows:  (8 unique spectral windows and 1 unique polarization setups)
SpwID  Name   #Chans   Frame   Ch0(MHz)  ChanWid(kHz)  TotBW(kHz) CtrFreq(MHz)  Corrs
0      none      32    GEO    4926.990       500.000     16000.0   4934.7400   RR  RL  LR  LL
1      none      32    GEO    4942.490       500.000     16000.0   4950.2400   RR  RL  LR  LL
2      none      32    GEO    4958.990       500.000     16000.0   4966.7400   RR  RL  LR  LL
3      none      32    GEO    4974.490       500.000     16000.0   4982.2400   RR  RL  LR  LL
4      none      32    GEO    4990.990       500.000     16000.0   4998.7400   RR  RL  LR  LL
5      none      32    GEO    5006.490       500.000     16000.0   5014.2400   RR  RL  LR  LL
6      none      32    GEO    5022.990       500.000     16000.0   5030.7400   RR  RL  LR  LL
7      none      32    GEO    5038.490       500.000     16000.0   5046.2400   RR  RL  LR  LL

  • Antennas used. The offset from the array centre is zero since the absolute Earth-centred (geocentric) coordinates are given for each antenna.

Antennas: 12:
ID   Name  Station   Diam.    Long.         Lat.                Offset from array center (m)                ITRF Geocentric coordinates (m)
                                                                   East         North     Elevation               x               y               z
0    EF    EF        0.0  m   +  +          0.0000        0.0000  6365855.3595  4033947.234200   486990.818800  4900431.012900
1    WB    WB        0.0  m   +  +          0.0000        0.0000  6364640.6582  3828445.418100   445223.903400  5064921.723400
2    JB    JB        0.0  m   -  +         -0.0000        0.0000  6364633.4245  3822625.831700  -154105.346600  5086486.205800
3    ON    ON        0.0  m   +  +          0.0000        0.0000  6363057.6347  3370965.885800   711466.227900  5349664.219900
4    NT    NT        0.0  m   +  +          0.0000        0.0000  6370620.8444  4934562.806300  1321201.578200  3806484.762100

4B. Correct antenna tables

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As you may have noticed, the antenna information in the listobs output showed that the antennas have no diameters nor any axis offsets. In the future, this will be supplemented by a separate CASA task but we have to insert it manually at the moment. This is not vitally important to remember so it may be easier to just copy and paste the following commands into the CASA prompt:

# Copy these arrays of values (no line breaks in each array)
ants=  ['EF','WB','JB','ON','NT','TR','SV','ZC','BD','SH','HH','YS','JD']
diams= [100.0,25.0,75.0,25.0,32.0,32.0,32.0,32.0,32.0,25.0,24.0,40.0,25.0]

# Modify the antenna table'', nomodify=False)
tb.putcol('DISH_DIAMETER', diams)

Run a listobs (listobs(vis='')) and check the logger and to ensure that these have been updated accordingly! Note that we will use what we call a reference antenna later for calibration. This is normally chosen as the most sensitive antenna in the array, hence this will be Effelsberg (EF).

4C. A priori calibration

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If you remember earlier, the append_tsys helper function was used to attach the system temperature information for each telescope to the FITS-IDI files. The system temperature is measured every few minutes. This compensates roughly for the different levels of signal from different sources, the effects of elevation and other amplitude fluctuations. Each antenna has a characteristic response in terms of Kelvin of system temperature per Jy of flux, so $T_\mathrm{sys}$ is also used to scale the flux density (much like setting a temperature scale).

In CASA, calibration is conducted using calibration tables which are then used to modify the visibilities. To obtain our flux scaling we therefore have to generate a system temperature calibration table using the task gencal. This task is used to generate caltables from ancillary information which can be found in the measurement set or in external files, and can also be used to create manual calibration tables from scratch. The gencal task has a special function to generate $T_\mathrm{sys}$ tables. To generate these tables we need to input:

default(gencal)  # This reads the Tsys information appended to a ms
uniform=False   #Set to False to get spw dependent Tsys extraction

You will find that there is a new table named n14c3.tsys which contains the gain information.

Important: A key factor whenever generating calibration tables is to inspect them to see if there are errant values which simply do not make sense. To inspect tables, we must use plotms. If you have previously used CASA (version $<$6.3) this functionality was provided by plotcal but has now been merged with plotms. If we initialise the task (remember to use default), there are a lot of inputs to set. This task is very versatile and can be used to plot both calibration and the visibilities hence the plethora of inputs We are going to have to set the $x$ and $y$ axes along with what each plot shall be iterated over. Firstly, we are going to plot $T_\mathrm{sys}$ against frequency for each antenna. We are going to make multiple plots per page and color our points by polarisation/correlation too. We would therefore input the following:

vis='n14c3.tsys'    # Name of the calibration file
xaxis='frequency'   # x-axis
yaxis='tsys'        # y-axis
gridrows=2          # number of rows to plot
gridcols=3          # number of columns so total plots = 6 = 2x3
coloraxis='corr'    # colour points by polarisation
iteraxis='antenna'  # iterate over the antennae (i.e. each plot is different antenna!)

This should give an output similar to:

Note that the green arrows in the GUI can be used to iterate over the rest of the antennae. We can also see how the $T_\mathrm{sys}$ changes over time! Most parameters are already set from the last run of plotms, therefore we can just write (and remembering to check the inputs before running!):


This should generate a plot similar to:

You can see the changes with each source change. Three antennas do not have $T_\mathrm{sys}$ measurements, but in the next step we will generate the gain curve table. This provides the scaled gain-elevation correction which scales the visibility amplitudes to the sensitivity of the dish, albeit without any allowance for weather or source contributions. Again, we use gencal to do this and the gain information that we appended to the fitsidifiles:

caltable= "n14c3.gcal" ## Name of output gain curve cal. table
caltype="gc"           ## Special caltype for gaincurves

4D. Inspect and flag data

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One of the most important aspects of radio interferometric data reduction is identifying and removing bad data. As you will see in the lectures, often these bad data is due to Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) from satellites and mobile phones, however sometimes it can be many other factors such as correlation errors or antennas off source. While it sounds tedious, the effects of bad data can be significant if ignored therefore careful extraction and removal of bad data is of paramount importance. In this sub-section, we shall inspect our visibilities and attempt to flag and remove bad data.

  • To begin, we shall remove the autocorrelations as these are not useful for continuum interferometric observations. To do this we use the manual flagging task called flagdata. Take a look at the inputs. To flag all of the autocorrelations we simply leave all as default (i.e. all data is selected) and set the autocorr parameter to be True



  • Next we can see what telescopes are involved and their position relative to each other are using the CASA task plotants.



  • To inspect the quality of the data, we are going to use the task plotms again to look for bad data. We start by looking at a bright source where it is easiest to tell good and bad data apart. Remember that the plotms task is very complicated (take a look at the inputs of the task) and takes a little while to understand. We are going to look at the frequency axes first (so we can average the time axes!) and look at the baselines to the most sensitive telescope (which is the 100m Effelsberg dish).

field='1848+283'        # The phase-cal/bandpass cal
avgtime='3600'          # Will only average within scans unless additionally told to average scans too
antenna='EF&*'          # Plot all baselines to the largest and most sensitive antenna
correlation='RR,LL'     # Only plot the parallel hands; the cross hands are fainter (and we won't be using them).


  • You can change the plot interactively in plotms.
  • You can see 8 spw; the edges of this have low amplitudes due to poor sensitivity and there are some data all at zero.
  • Zoom in (using ) and use select to highlight bad data () and use locate () to see what antenna it is associated with.
  • You should see that this is mostly on antenna SV (Svetloe; dark green in this plot).

Important: Before more flagging, remember to back up the current flags. Do this any time you think you might need to change your mind about flagging. Use a different version name each time and make a note of it (CASA task flagdata can make an automatic backup but it will not have a memorable name). The backups for this data set are stored in We will now back up the flags for this data set now using the task flagmanager. The same task can be used to revert back to old flags too!:

mode='save'           # This mode saves the current flags, use the mode restore to revert to old flagging versions
versionname='preSVandEndChans'  # This is the version name, you can see all version names in flagversions by using mode='list'

  • We should investigate Svetloe a little more to see where the issues are stemming from. Going back to our plotms GUI, if we simply plot all baselines to Svetloe (by changing the antenna parameter in the Data tab of the GUI to SV&*), we can see that there is some data on certain baselines. Next we want to see if it's consigned to baselines or the whole antennae. By changing the coloration (Display -> Colorize = Corr) we get the following:

  • By using the locate function again, we see that this is all on the right-hand circular correlation (RR). Knowing this we can flag the correlation using the flagdata task that we used earlier.


If you have the plotms GUI still open then you can click reload and plot to see that the data has been removed or you can run tget plotms and type go to run the exact plotms parameters you used last time.

  • Next, we should re-inspect the data for any more corrupted data. Plot the most sensitive baseline to see the end channels more clearly and note which are below about half the maximum amplitude. These cause issues further down the line if not flagged and do not contribute much to the final image sensitivity.

field='1848+283'        # The phase-cal/bandpass cal
avgtime='3600'          # Will only average within scans unless additionally told to average scans too
antenna='EF&JB'          # Plot the baseline of largest and most sensitive antennas
correlation='RR,LL'     # Only plot the parallel hands; the cross hands are fainter (and we won't be using them).


  • Use the arrows at the bottom of plotms to scroll through the spw (which should got through the subplots above). Odd and even spw behave differently but there is no need to spend too much time on this as the suggested channels to flag are given here for time saving purposes:



We can see whether this has worked by pressing reload in the plotms window and plot the same again. These edge channels should now have disappeared.

  • Next we shall look at amp vs. time instead, now averaging in frequency:

spw='0~7:13~20'        # Average a few central channels where the response is stable


  • Note that sometimes the first one or two integrations of some scans are bad (low amplitudes). There is a specific flagdata mode for this called quack. For time-sakes, we will safely assume that all sources are affected.

quackinterval = 5     # 5 seconds, or just over 2 integrations


  • Now go through each baseline to identify remaining bad data (enter iteration='baseline' and re-load plotms). Again, this has already been listed so don't spend too long, just make sure you have some idea of how to identify and record bad data. There is more than one bad scan on HH and as we are plotting the phase-cal it is likely that the target in-between was affected. Plot this.


scan='60~70'            # a few scans including the bad data; plot all fields in this time range
antenna='EF&HH'         # just the relevant baseline
coloraxis='field'       # distinguish sources


  • Flag the scans when the target (in brown in the plot here) goes right to zero. Or for time-saving purposes we have put the commands in here for you.



  • Next, lets inspect the next most distant antenna, SH


antenna='EF&SH'         # just the relevant baseline
coloraxis='spw'         # distinguish spw


There are many short, bad periods, some only affecting certain spw. The easiest way to cope with this is to write a flag list. Identify antennas/spw/times, adding 1s to the start and finish of each flagging period. They are all shorter than one scan so the same flags aren't applied to the target but later, we will look for similar bad data on the target. Take a look at the flag list file (flagSH.flagcmd) by opening it with a text editor, and cross-check that these entered values are affected.

If you are happy, then we will use this file to automatically flag those channels specified in the file:



Let's reinspect to check that the bad data are all gone:



Hooray, the data looks clean! We can finally begin to calibrate these data!

5. Fringe fitting

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Now that all the data has been cleaned up, we can begin to think about calibrating these data. As you may remember from the accompanying lectures, the wavefronts arriving at two different telescopes from a single source arrives at different times, i.e. one signal is delayed relative to each other. This is shown by the $D\sin(\theta)$ term in the two-element interferometer shown below:

The actual delay term, $\tau_\mathrm{obs} = (D/c)\sin(\theta)$ changes with time because the source position relative to the baseline changes. This means that the interferometer phase ($\phi=2\pi\nu\tau_\mathrm{obs}$) also changes with time giving rise to what we call fringe rates!. The correlator normally corrects for $\tau_\mathrm{obs}$ using a model which is sufficient for small baseline, connected arrays but not for VLBI.

These residual phase, delay and rate errors due are mainly due to atmospheric fluctuations and residuals from the geometric delay compensation by the correlator. As the phase ($\phi$) is related to the delay ($\tau_\mathrm{obs}$), the phase error will depend on the delay error!. To solve for the phase error ($\Delta\phi$) we assume a linear phase model for each antenna i.e. $$\Delta\phi(t,\nu)=\phi_{0} + \left(\frac{\partial\phi}{\partial\nu}\Delta\nu + \frac{\partial\phi}{\partial t}\Delta t\right)$$ where $\phi_{0}$ is the phase error at the reference time and frequency, $\frac{\partial\phi}{\partial\nu}\Delta\nu$ is the delay and $\frac{\partial\phi}{\partial t}\Delta t$ is the rate term. Therefore for a baseline with antennas $i$ and $j$, the relative phase error, $\Delta\phi(t,\nu)_{ij}$ can be modelled as $$\Delta\phi(t,\nu)_{ij}=\phi_{0i} - \phi_{0j} + \left(\left[\frac{\partial\phi_i}{\partial\nu}-\frac{\partial\phi_j}{\partial\nu}\right]\Delta\nu + \left[\frac{\partial\phi_i}{\partial t} - \frac{\partial\phi_j}{\partial t}\right]\Delta t\right).$$ In the following section, we are going to attempt to solve this equation by using all of the baselines to estimate the phase delay and rates relative to some reference antenna. Remember that the interferometer is sensitive to differences therefore the relative phases, delays and rates need to be corrected, not the absolute!

5A. Instrumental delays

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Some of the errors in the aforementioned equation originates from instrumental effects. In systems where different spectral windows have different electronics, the signal chain itself can introduce delays. This can be thought of as the signal at different frequencies travelling different lengths of cable. These delays are mostly constant across the observation time (the residuals are corrected later), therefore we can use a small chunk of data to estimate these (on timescales < the change of delay induced by the atmosphere). Let's plot a small chunk of data to show these delays:


You can see that the instrumental delays show as jumps in phase between the spectral windows. If you notice, we are using a small timerange (~4 mins) on a bright source (1848+283) because, in order to characterise these jumps, we need a high S/N on each spectral window.

To correct these instrumental delays, we are going to use the fringefit task which is new since CASA v5.3. This solves the above equation in order to eliminate the phase errors with respect to time and frequency.

Important: the CASA calibration routines will assume that the source you are using is a point source at the center of the field (this means the amplitude of this source is the same on all baselines and phases are equal to zero!). Phase calibrators are normally chosen so that the majority of the flux density is within a point-like component so this initial assumption is valid. We shall refine this in part 2!

gaintable=['n14c3.gcal', 'n14c3.tsys']


Note that the rates are set to zero. The key thing here is that the instrumental delay calibration aims to correct for differences in signal paths between the spectral windows at individual antennas. We assume these are constant over the experiment and so we apply this solution to the whole observation. If we allow non-zero rates the application of this calibration would extrapolate their effects across the whole experiment, and the term linear in time would dominate the correction at different times. We also set the corrdepflags=True parameter. This prevents us from removing data with only a single polarisation present (e.g. the SV telescope).

The fringefit task reports the signal to noise ratio for each station, as well as the number of iterations it requires to converge on a solution. These are good estimates of how the task performs. For this dataset, the signal to noise is very high so the number of iterations is of the order 10 or less.

In most CASA calibration steps, as above, we feed the new calibration task a list of calibration tables to be applied on the fly while calculating the solutions. However, for the plotms task this is not the case and the calibration solutions have to be applied. With this in mind, it is therefore useful to introduce you to the applycal task which uses these calibrations tables you have derived in order to modify the visibilities.

In the CASA framework, the applycal task takes the DATA column in the measurement set (which contains the visibilities), copies these into the CORRECTED_DATA column and then adjusts this copy using the various calibration tables derived. In this case, we want to apply all tables derived so far i.e. n14c3.tsys, n14c3.gcal, n14c3.sbd to these data.

Take a look at the inputs of applycal and you should see that these are the parameters we should set:

gaintable=['n14c3.gcal', 'n14c3.tsys', 'n14c3.sbd']


Note that you may get the error message ..ant=12 cannot be calibrated by n14c3.tsys as mapped, and will be flagged.. can be safely ignored. There were no observations by this telescope hence the applycal will remove this. With the calibration applied, we can see how the instrumental delay calibration has adjusted our data. To do this, we can use the same parameters in plotms as before but instead plot the CORRECTED_DATA column instead.

Important: We can cheat a little here because CASA saves the last set of parameters into a file with suffix .last (try typing !ls into the CASA prompt). To load this file and the last set of parameters we use the command tget(<task name>).

In this case, you should type tget(plotms) and type inp to see that the inputs from the last execution of the task is there. As you may identify, we only need to change one parameter i.e. the ydatacolumn from 'data' to 'corrected'. Run plotms and you should see the following:

As you can see the phases are flattened, which is good. If we try a different timerange though (we have used a timerange of 13:18:00~13:20:00 in the below plot) the phases still have slopes across the data but the jumps between the spectral windows have been removed. The removal of these jumps means that we can now merge the spectral windows which gives up a much larger S/N to play with. This is what we are going to do in the next section.

5B. Multi-band delays

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In the next steps, we are now going to combine the spectral windows in order to get multi-band delays and track the change in the delay signal across the observation. This essentially solves the full phase equation and derives phase, delay and rate corrections for all antennas relative to a reference antenna.

To do this, we need to use the combine input of the fringefit task in order to use all spectral windows at once and we are going to set the averaging time (or solution interval) to 60s. The choice of solution interval should be set so that you have enough S/N to get good solutions, but short enough timescales in order to track the changes in the delays, rates and phases. Note that because one of our phase calibrators (1848+283) is very bright, we can use it to derive the instrumental delays AND the time-dependent delays. In standard VLBI observations there are scans of very bright sources which are used as fringe finders for correlation. These are then also used to derive the instrumental delays (remember that for instrumental delays, we have to have high S/N in each spectral window so the source needs to be very bright!).

After this, we would then use the phase calibrator as the time-dependent delay, phase and rate calibrator. This also takes into account the phase differences induced by the atmosphere over the course of the observation. A key premise of our phase calibrator selection is that these sources should be located near to the target source. This means that we can assume that the solutions derived over time for the phase calibrator is approximately correct for the target field seen as the signal path through the atmosphere is similar. The instrumental delay calibrator does not need to be close to the target field simply because we are correcting for delays induced by instrumental differences which is almost irrespective of the pointing direction of the antennas.

Lets do the multi-band fringe fitting. Note that we have two phase calibrators (1848+283 and J1640+3946), so to save time we are going to conduct the initial fringe fitting on both of these calibrators.

gaintable=['n14c3.gcal', 'n14c3.tsys','n14c3.sbd']

This step may take a while depending on the specifications of your computer so go get a coffee. The S/N parameter needs to be set carefully such that we don't pass erroneous solutions. In this experiment all of the phase calibrators are bright so a high S/N such as 30 (as used here), is ok. However, many phase calibrators are not this strong so a S/N threshold of 5 or even 3 may have to be used in order to converge on enough good solutions.

Obtaining good solutions is often trial and error. However, here are some tips in order to assess whether your solutions are good:

  • The phases, rates and delays should be smoothly varying if the solutions are good. If the solutions look like noise (with large ranges!) then you may need to increase the averaging interval or the S/N threshold. However, you do not want to increase the S/N so high such that solutions cannot converge.
  • CASA will tell you how many solutions fail in the logger. Note that by default CASA will then flag the ranges where solutions fail when the calibration tables are applied. This is an easy way to flag all of your good data! Typically around 5% or less failed solutions are ok!

Let's apply these tips to the fringefit we just carried out. Firstly, we shall check the logger to see if any solutions failed. You should find this slightly cryptic message:

2021-11-02 08:45:44	INFO	fringefit::::casa	Calibration solve statistics per spw:  (expected/attempted/succeeded):
2021-11-02 08:45:44	INFO	fringefit::::casa	  Spw 0: 38/38/38
2021-11-02 08:45:44	INFO	fringefit::::casa	  Spw 1: 0/0/0
2021-11-02 08:45:44	INFO	fringefit::::casa	  Spw 2: 0/0/0
2021-11-02 08:45:44	INFO	fringefit::::casa	  Spw 3: 0/0/0
2021-11-02 08:45:44	INFO	fringefit::::casa	  Spw 4: 0/0/0
2021-11-02 08:45:44	INFO	fringefit::::casa	  Spw 5: 0/0/0
2021-11-02 08:45:44	INFO	fringefit::::casa	  Spw 6: 0/0/0
2021-11-02 08:45:44	INFO	fringefit::::casa	  Spw 7: 0/0/0
2021-11-02 08:45:44	INFO	fringefit::::casa	Task fringefit complete. Start time: 2021-11-02 10:28:53.040290 End time: 2021-11-02 10:45:44.341648
2021-11-02 08:45:44	INFO	fringefit::::casa	##### End Task: fringefit            #####
2021-11-02 08:45:44	INFO	fringefit::::casa	##########################################

You can see that all of the solutions are contained in spectral window 0 (spw). This is because we have combined the spws and so CASA puts the solutions into the first spw for book-keeping. This means that we will have to manually specify which spws these solutions are applied to later. You can also see that CASA has attempted 38 solutions and succeeded on all solutions! This is the first good indicator that the solutions are good.

Next, we need to ensure these solutions are good by inspecting the calibration table. The fringe-fitter solves for delay, phases and rates so we should check all of these. We will firstly check the delays.

vis='n14c3.mbd'    # Name of the calibration file
xaxis='time'       # x-axis
yaxis='delay'      # y-axis
gridrows=2         # number of rows to plot
gridcols=3         # number of columns so total plots = 6 = 2x3
coloraxis='corr'   # colour points by polarisation
iteraxis='antenna' # iterate over the antennae (i.e. each plot is different antenna!)

You can see the delays are mostly smoothly varying in time which indicates that the solutions for both phase calibrators are good!. Also, note that EF is zero because this is the reference antenna and the delays are measured relative to this antenna. Next we should check the phase solutions. We shall just use the tget command again as you only need to change one parameter in plotms:


These also change smoothly in time (mostly!) so we can be happy with these. Finally, let's check rates (I'll let you work out how to plot this):

These solutions are a little noisier but note that the scale is much smaller. This should also be ok. Let's apply these solutions so that we can view the results. Note that because we apply these solutions to our target fields, we want to linearly interpolate the multi-band fringe fitting seen as the correct phases/delays/rates for the target field is going to be in between the two phase calibrator scans surrounding it. In addition, we want to apply the singular solutions from the multi-band delay to all spectral windows so we use the spwmap parameter to map the solutions from spw 0 in the multi-band delay table to the other 8 spectral windows (hence the 8*[0]). Our applycalcommand is therefore:

gaintable=['n14c3.gcal', 'n14c3.tsys', 'n14c3.sbd', 'n14c3.mbd']
interp=['nearest', 'nearest,nearest', 'nearest', 'linear']
spwmap=[[], [], [], [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]]


And let's see our phases on each baseline as a function of frequency on the original scan used to calculate the instrumental delay:

And for the other scan where the baseline phases were offset with just the instrumental delay applied:

You can see that the majority of the phases have now lined up and the slopes which we saw before have mostly disappeared. We shall refine this calibration in Part 2.

6. Bandpass calibration

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As you may have noticed before, when we flagged the edge channels the amplitude versus frequency of your data have a distinctive shape. This is due to the differing sensitivity of the telescope receivers versus frequency. Let's take another look at this in plotms:

We can use the task bandpass to correct this which calculates a complex gain (amplitude and phase) that corrects for the sensitivity differences across the bandwidth. With phases, rates and delays all removed this is the only calibration issue remaining (mostly!). Again, this is an instrumental effect so we would not expect this to change with time. We can use our instrumental delay calibrator again for this. We know from instrumental delay calibration that there is enough S/N per spw. However, in order to follow the exact shape of the bandpass we now need to get enough S/N per channel! We can do this by combining all of the scans together (valid as bandpass response shouldn't change in time!):

gaintable=['n14c3.gcal', 'n14c3.tsys', 'n14c3.sbd', 'n14c3.mbd']
spwmap=[[],[],[], 8*[0]]


The bandpass correction should follow the shape of the amplitude response we saw earlier. Note that we set the solnorm parameter which means the calibration solutions are normalised to unity and so the total amplitudes of the data are preserved. In this case, we want to do this because our flux density scaling are done a priori and this needs to be preserved.
Let's plot the bandpass corrections, starting with the amplitude corrections (it's up to you to figure out the commands yourself this time!):

Note that, when CASA calibration tables are applied, the solution tables are divided into the visibilities which is in contrast to the old software, AIPS, where solutions are multiplied into the visibilities. This means that the amplitude solutions shown here should roughly follow the visibilities as shown earlier. Let's plot the phases too. These should follow the wiggles we saw within each spectral window.

Note here that the Effelsberg telescope is our reference antenna but the phases look noisy. However, if you check the yaxis scale, you will see that these variations are of the order $10^{-7}\,\mathrm{deg}$. These are mostly computational floating point errors that are not significant!

These solutions look good, so we should apply this table to the data using applycal

gaintable=['n14c3.gcal', 'n14c3.tsys', 'n14c3.sbd', 'n14c3.mbd','n14c3.bpass']
spwmap=[[], [], [], 8*[0],[]]


Let's have a look at what this has done to the visibilities of 1848+283. Firstly the amplitudes:


We can see that the amplitudes are scaled correctly and the bandpass shape has gone. The plot is colored by baseline and the differences in amplitudes is either due to ampltiude errors or differing flux on different baselines / spatial scales due to the structure of the phase calibrator. If this is a true point source we would expect that the flux on all baselines is the same. We will correct these amplitudes later using self-calibration. Let's look at the phases too:

Here the phases are mostly near zero apart from one antenna (SH) which seems erroneous. We will try to fix this a little later. For now this is ok, and we can proceed to split out these data into the two phase-reference target pairs for parts 2 and 3!

7. Split out phase-ref - target pairs

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The final part that we need to do is to split out the pairs of target and phase reference sources. Not only is this the necessary preparation for parts 2 and 3 of this workshop, it is also good to keep some backup copies in case future data gets corrupted or deleted. We use the task split to do this and it is straight forward to use:

## In CASA
## In CASA

This completes part 1 of the tutorial. You should have been introduced to amplitude calibration, inspection and flagging of data, fringe fitting and bandpass calibration. In the following two parts we will investigate phase referencing further along with imaging and the self-calibration technique. If you have any further questions ask the DARA trainer or continue to part 2:

Part 2: Calibration & imaging of J1849+3024