Welcome to the European Radio Interferometry School (ERIS) 2022 where we hope that you learn how to go from telescope to science-ready images when using an interferometer. This website hosts the tutorials that you will do to get hands-on practice with data. This homepage will guide you in installing CASA, testing your installation and downloading the tutorial data.
If you have completed this already, head down to the bottom of the page where you can find the links to start the tutorial. Finally, should you wish to go back to the main ERIS2022 webpage, use the link below
To begin, download the appropriate CASA version for your operating system from https://casa.nrao.edu/casa_obtaining.shtml. Ideally you want to select python3.8 version but python3.6 is ok unless you wish to do the VLBI advanced tutorial. Once downloaded, follow the instructions below that are appropriate for your operating system
tar -xvf casa-6.5.1-23-py3.8.tar.xz
in the directory you extracted in.casa-6.5.1-23-py3.8/bin/casa
in your command line.casa
into the command line (from anywhere!). This can be done using the following code (where you want to replace (path_to_CASA_folder)
with the CASA folder path - can find that out with the command pwd):
echo 'alias casa=(path_to_CASA_folder)/casa-6.5.1-23-py3.8/bin/casa' >> ~/.bashrc
For example, if I untarred CASA in my home folder, this command would be
echo 'alias casa=/home/radcliff/casa-6.5.1-23-py3.8/bin/casa' >> ~/.bashrc
into it. This should open up CASA and the logger window.
) file that should be similarly named as casa-
and then !update-data
. This should open up CASA and the logger windowBefore continuing, you should download all the following tar bundles using the links below. Ensure that your drive has at least 10GB of space free.
Alternatively, you can use enter the following in the command line to download these data,
wget https://www.jb.man.ac.uk/DARA/ERIS22/data/ERIS22_calibration_tutorial.tar.gz
wget https://www.jb.man.ac.uk/DARA/ERIS22/data/ERIS22_imaging_tutorial.tar.gz
wget https://www.jb.man.ac.uk/DARA/ERIS22/data/ERIS22_adv_imaging_tutorial.tar.gz
With CASA installed, you want to follow the next set of instructions on the following webpage to check that your installation is working correctly
Below you can find the various links to the tutorials we are going to do during ERIS22. Please ensure you have completed the tests of your CASA installation before starting here. Your tutors will instruct you on which tutorial you should be completing. Note that not all tutorials are hosted here but you will get instructions on how to proceed from your tutors.
If you wish to do the tutorial in its entireity, follow the link below:
The advanced tutorial on polarisation is also hosted here. Please follow the link below to download the data and complete the tutorial.