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Uwe David European Liaison Office of the German Research Organisations (KoWi) |
Uwe David is member of the scientific staff of KoWi with office in Bonn. He is responsible for information and advice on the Marie Curie Programme, German funding programmes for young scientists and the organisation of large conferences for young scientists in Germany (“Research in Europe”). Uwe is a political scientists and has been working in the European Union context for the last seven years. |
Bryony Gill University of Leeds |
Bryony Gill is a Research Fellow in the Centre for the Study of Law and Policy in Europe, University of Leeds. Her work is concerned with migration, academic careers and science labour markets. Bryony was a member of the team that completed the ‘Impact Assessment of the Marie Curie Fellowship Scheme' in 2005. She has also worked on ESRC projects that consider the relationship between mobility, excellence and balanced growth in Europe. A further interest of Bryony's is the attractiveness of research careers in the UK and she has worked on recent projects concerned with the recruitment and retention of researchers for HEFCE and RCUK. As a partner in a new FP6 project (RESIST), Bryony will be delivering a work package on the mobility of scientists from 3rd countries into the EU. |
Janet Metcalfe Director, UK GRAD Programme |
Janet Metcalfe is an independent educational consultant specialising in training and professional development for researchers. She is currently director of the UK GRAD Programme, which through a network of regional university-based Hubs and a Centre for Excellence in Cambridge, provides universities with access to resources, advice and networks to support the development of researchers’ personal and professional skills. Janet is also a member of the independent evaluation team for the New Route PhD and an external advisor to the University of Oxford’s Centre for Excellence in Preparing for Academic Practice. She is co-author of the pamphlet ‘Employability and Doctoral Research Postgraduates’ as part of a series on employability for the Higher Education Academy. She led the joint UK Funding Councils’ project to improve the quality of postgraduate research training, in conjunction with the UK Council for Graduate Education (UKCGE). | |
John Morley The University of Manchester |
John Morley is the Manager of the Academic Support Programmes at the University Language Centre at Manchester University. He is responsible for a team which provides classes in English for Academic Purposes for international students, and runs workshops and courses in effective writing for postgraduate students and academic staff. Before coming to Manchester John taught academic English at a university in Australia . He is the author of two books on academic writing, as well as numerous articles. Current projects include investigating the short-term development of spoken fluency in different learning contexts, and developing an online phraseological resource for academic writers. | |
Seema Sharma Next Wave from Science |
Seema Sharma currently works as the European Programme Director at Science, an online career magazine published by the research journal Science. Sharma completed a PhD in molecular neuroscience at The School of Pharmacy, University of London. She went on to work as a Technical Specialist for R&D Systems, based in Oxford, before working both as a newspaper journalist and event organiser in Birmingham, UK. In her current role she designs and organises career events around Europe tailored to the needs of early career researchers. |