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If Europe is to be competitive in the 21st Century it is crucial to break down national and sectoral boundaries and to promote the mobility of leading young researchers, from within and outside Europe. Only by encouraging the best researchers to move between countries and between the public and private sector will Europe achieve its aim of becoming the world’s leading knowledge based society.
Marie Curie Actions further scientific excellence and enhance mobility of researchers both within and outside Europe. The actions provide support for migration of highly skilled scientists and engineers in order to allow innovation to prosper.
Involvement in a Marie Curie project can be an inspiring experience both professionally and personally. However, all projects are different and the MC2 conference aims at allowing Marie Curie Research fellows from different countries and from the broadest possible range of research backgrounds to exchange views and experiences. The conference has been designed to give the research fellows ample opportunities to present their scientific work via parallel workshops to a general audience in a language that is understandable for all participants irrespective of background.
The workshops are complemented by more political keynote speeches and plenary discussions where participants will have the opportunity to debate the future research landscape in Europe and the crucial role scientists will play in the coming years.
There is consensus that to achieve a truly knowledge based economy and society in Europe, education and training, together with research and innovation are key. The Manchester Marie Curie conference aims at showcasing the researchers who are putting the knowledge-based society into practice and will also provide a forum for broad political debate on the future shape of research careers in Europe.