3C 284


Basic Data
S178 Alpha FR Class ID Spectrum Best z mag. LAS lg P178 D
12.30.95IICD Gal0.2394R(c) = 17.41 178.5026.07 568.0


Size: 256.0 × 256.0 arcsec²
LUT: Logarithmic
Beam: 5.0 arcsec
Frequency: 1527 MHz
Method: CLEAN Õ˜ÿ>5.0
Telescope: VLA B+C
Credits: Leahy, Pooley & Riley (1986)

The host galaxy is in a moderately rich cluster (McCarthy, Spinrad & van Breugel 1995). The HST image (de Koff et al 1996) suggests a dust lane, and there are tails to the NE and SW (all within the central 3 arcsec). McCarthy et al. found a region of emission-line gas, unassociated with any galaxy, about 40 arcsec (130 kpc) from the nucleus, on the southern edge of the SE lobe. This is a candidate case of jet-induced star formation.

Although not very clear with our logarithmic LUT, there is a weak but compact hotspot at the tip of the NW lobe.

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Page created: 2009 Apr 2 14:16:43
J. P. Leahy