Foundation astrophysics
Intro. to astronomy
The DARA (Development in Africa with Radio Astronomy) initiative is a UK-SA Newton Fund project. DARA is headed by Professor Melvin Hoare (University of Leeds). You can find out more about the DARA project in general from the main DARA website at www.dara-project.org. This website holds the course materials and workshops that have been developed and delivered as part of the DARA basic training programme in radio astronomy. This website is meant to collate and hold all the materials taught over the past 3 years and provide a reference point for future students to learn radio astronomy. The website is maintained by Jack Radcliffe and for any issues or questions please use the form at the bottom of this page.
Some of the materials are password protected. Please use the password provided. Your local tutors should be able to give you access.
Intro. to astronomy
A introductory course on astrophysics with an emphasis on the radio sky
An introduction to the main components of a radio telescope and hand-on training
Reduction of interferometric VLBI data using CASA
Links to the various editions of the NRAO and ERIS radio interferometry summer schools
The AVN simulator tool