
Special Cases

k = 0

Here, as noted above, our definition of $ \lambda$ becomes arbitrary. However, by a change of variables to

x = $\displaystyle \rho_{\Lambda}^{}$/$\displaystyle \rho_{m}^{}$ = $\displaystyle \lambda$r3/2 (9)

the solution can be written:

t = $\displaystyle {R_\Lambda \over c}$ $\displaystyle \int^{x}_{0}$$\displaystyle {dx \over \sqrt{3 (1 + x) \vert x\vert}}$ (10)

Now we only have an overall scale factor, R$\scriptstyle \Lambda$; there are just two functional forms, depending on whether $ \Lambda$ is positive or negative. If x < 0 (i.e. negative $ \Lambda$), we have a turnaround at x = - 1.

Examination of the general solution (Eq. 4) shows that for very large $ \lambda$, k becomes irrelevant: if r is small enough that the term in $ \lambda$ becomes comparable to unity, then 3kr $ \ll$ 1, whereas if 3kr > 1 then the term in $ \lambda$ dominates. Thus these cases are actually equivalent to the cases where $ \lambda$ = ±$ \infty$.

$ \lambda$ = 0

This is a similar situation to the previous one: there are two functional forms, depending on the sign of k. For k = + 1 there is the `cycloid' universe

$\displaystyle \tau$ = $\displaystyle {1 \over 3}$[$\displaystyle \eta$ - sin($\displaystyle \eta$)];      r = $\displaystyle {1 \over 3}$[1 - cos($\displaystyle \eta$)] (11)

where the auxiliary parameter $ \eta$ is the `conformal time', and ranges from 0 to 2$ \pi$. For k = - 1 we have an equivalent form with hyperbolic functions:

$\displaystyle \tau$ = $\displaystyle {1 \over 3}$[sinh($\displaystyle \eta$) - $\displaystyle \eta$];      r = $\displaystyle {1 \over 3}$[cosh($\displaystyle \eta$) - 1] (12)

Here $ \eta$ ranges from zero to infinity. Obviously these solutions are just the limit for $ \lambda$ $ \rightarrow$ 0.

k =0 and $ \lambda$ =0

This corresponds to just one universe, the Einstein-de Sitter case. This is a scale-free solution, i.e. there is no characteristic time or size; instead the density is a unique function of time (or vice versa); our integral solution reduces to

t = $\displaystyle {2 \over 3}$$\displaystyle \sqrt{3 \over 8 \pi G \rho_m}$ = $\displaystyle {2 \over 3 H}$ (13)

All universes where M* > 0 initially follow the Einstein-de Sitter solution; only when the scale becomes comparable to Rm do they deviate from it. Hence this can be considered as the limiting case when Rm $ \rightarrow$ $ \infty$.

M* = 0

There are also six special cases when the matter density is strictly zero. There is a trivial empty static universe when k = 0 and $ \Lambda$ = 0, in which case H = 0. This can be thought of as the limit of the Einstein-de Sitter universe when t $ \rightarrow$ $ \infty$.

Next is the Milne solution, when $ \Lambda$ = 0 and k = - 1 (to make H2 positive) and hence

R = ct. (14)

Universes with $ \lambda$ $ \ll$ 1 and k = - 1 go through a Milne phase, as noted above and this is the limiting form as t $ \rightarrow$ $ \infty$ if $ \Lambda$ is strictly zero and k = - 1.

In the de Sitter solution k = 0 and $ \Lambda$ > 0. The Hubble parameter is then constant at

H2 = $\displaystyle \Lambda$c2/3 (15)

and we have exponential expansion:

t = $\displaystyle {R_\Lambda \over c}$$\displaystyle \sqrt{3}$ ln(R/R0) (16)

Note that this case reaches zero size only infinitely far back in time, so we have to choose an arbitrary value of R0. Any universe that expands to infinity tends to this solution at late times, unless $ \Lambda$ is strictly zero.

The other three cases correspond to both $ \Lambda$ and k non-zero: note that for M* = 0, $ \Lambda$$ \le$ 0, k = + 1, is ruled out because it would give a negative H2 (similarly $ \Lambda$ < 0, k = 0). For all these R$\scriptstyle \Lambda$ sets the absolute scale, and there are no continuous parameters that affect the shape.

To summarize the M* = 0 cases:

$ \Lambda$ k Rturn Type
< 0 -1 (- 3$ \Lambda$)1/2 Bang-crunch.
0 0 - Static
0 -1 - Milne: Linear Expansion
> 0 -1 - Continuous expansion
> 0 0 0 de Sitter: Exponential expansion
> 0 +1 (3$ \Lambda$)1/2 Bounce

H = 0

A final special case is the static Einstein solution, which in our notation has $ \lambda$ = 1 and r = 1.

Patrick Leahy 2000-04-27