JBiO 7-m Telescope Observing Schedule

\n"; echo "JBiO 7-m Telescope Schedule on $schedule_time (Local Time)\n"; echo "StatusUserSubmitted
(Local time)
Time SlotsScan TypeSource"; while (!feof($handle)){ $Data = fgets($handle); if ($Data === false) break; $line = explode("::",$Data); $scantype = substr($line[1],17,1); if ($line[0]=='4'){$colstatus = "PaleGreen";} elseif ($line[0]=='3'){ $colstatus = "LightBlue"; $coldesc = 'Observation is in progress.'; } elseif ($line[0]=='2'){ $colstatus = "gold"; $coldesc = 'Observation is now queued and waiting to be done.'; } elseif ($line[0]=='1'){ $colstatus = "Orange"; $coldesc = 'Observation has been submitted for scheduling and is awaiting confirmation from the telescope scheduling software.'; } elseif ($line[0]=='0'){ $colstatus = "white"; $coldesc = "Observation has just been entered and is waiting to be submitted to the telescope by clicking on Submit or deleted by clicking on Delete. A red exclamation mark indicates the observing request hasn't yet been submitted."; } elseif ($line[0]=='9'){ $colstatus = "OrangeRed"; $coldesc = 'Observation was rejected by telescope scheduling software - invalid format.'; } elseif ($line[0]=='8'){ $colstatus = "OrangeRed"; $coldesc = 'Observation was rejected by telescope scheduling software - already scheduled.'; } else {$colstatus = "Ivory";} $year = $line[6]; $username=strtolower($line[5]); $twodigityear = substr($year,2,2); $month =$line[7]; $day = $line[8]; $hour = $line[9]; $minute = $line[10]; $datesched = $year . '-' . $month . '-' . $day . ' ' . $hour . ':' . $minute; $row = array($line[0], $line[4], $datesched, $line[11], $username, $scantype, $line[13], $line[14], $line[15], $line[16], $line[21], $line[17], $line[18], $line[19], $line[20], $line[22]); if ($line[0]==0){ echo "$line[0] ";} elseif ($line[0]==3){ echo "$line[0]";} else { echo "$line[0]";} echo "$username$line[4]$year-$month-$day $hour:$minute$line[11]"; if ($scantype == "A" || $scantype == "E") { echo "Scan";} else { echo "Spec";} if ($line[13] == '0' || $line[13] == '2' ) { $answera = $line[14]/10.0; $answerb = $line[15]/10.0; echo "$answera, $answerb";} else { echo "$line[16]";} if ($line[0]=='0'){ echo ""; echo "
"; foreach($row as $value) { echo ''; } echo "
"; echo ""; echo "
"; echo ""; echo ""; echo "
"; echo ""; echo "
"; echo ""; echo ""; echo "
\n";} elseif ($line[0]=='1' || $line[0]=='2'){ echo ""; echo "
"; foreach($row as $value) { echo ''; } echo "
"; echo ""; echo ""; echo "
"; echo ""; echo ""; echo "
\n";} elseif ($line[0] =='3' || $line[0]=='4'){ echo ""; echo "
"; foreach($row as $value) { echo ''; } echo "
"; echo ""; echo "\n"; } else { echo ""; echo "
"; foreach($row as $value) { echo ''; } echo "
"; echo ""; echo "\n";} $i = $i + 1; } echo "

This Schedule does not automatically update. To refresh manually click here.\n"; echo "

\n"; fclose($handle); } else{ echo 'You need to Login before you can access this page'; } ?>