A higher-resolution image at 6 cm in
Bridle & Perley (1984) shows a clear jet
running through the centre of the SW lobe, and a possible jet (or series
of knots) in the NE lobe. In our image the lobe emission swamps that from
the jet, although the brightest knot in the SW jet is visible as the
orange peak near the back of the SW lobe.
It is notable that the two lobes, although they meet at the centre,
have distinctly different surface brightnesses, suggesting that physical
conditions (e.g. pressure) are in some way different on the two sides.
The HST image
(de Koff et al. 1996)
shows extended emission north and south of the main galaxy,
which is probably the extended emission line gas seen from the ground
by McCarthy et al. (1995). The position
of the galaxy and compact core is marked on our image by the red cross.
Page created: 2009 Apr 2 14:16:43
J. P. Leahy