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Back of the Racks


At the back of the racks, the wiring required is to take the output from the filter banks to the dedisperser, search digitiser and msp timing digitiser. The available filter banks are summarised in the table 2.

The outputs of these filter banks and how they should be connected are shown in Figure 4. The top panel shows the setup for the tex2html_wrap_inline716 MHz filter bank. The other 4 filter banks use the setup shown in the lower panel.

Figure 4: Plan of how cables should be connected from the filter banks to the DDU, search digitiser and msp timing digitiser. The top panel shows the setup for the tex2html_wrap_inline716 MHz filter bank. The other 4 filter banks use the setup shown in the lower panel.

The tasks you need to do to change from 400/600 MHz timing to 1400 timing are:

A useful cross check that things are plugged in correctly is to run the search program (Section 8) with output set to none and the telescope errors check set to off. Then start up display (see Section 9) and run stats. If everything is correctly wired, you should see a mean level of 0.5.

Jon Bell
Sun Aug 17 17:32:08 BST 1997