4C 14.11


Basic Data
S178 Alpha FR Class ID Spectrum Best z mag. LAS lg P178 D
12.10.84IICD Gal0.206r = 19.1* 115.0025.92 330.4


Size: 105.9 × 105.9 arcsec²
LUT: Linear
Beam: 1.4 arcsec
Frequency: 1477 MHz
Method: CLEAN/VTESSÕ˜ÿ>1.4
Telescope: VLA A+B
Credits: Leahy & Perley (1991)

Click on the image for a full-sized version.

The bright central point is the radio core. The faint point south-east of the core is elongated at higher resolution (Hardcastle et al. 1997) and is presumably the brightest part of a jet. The south-east hotspot complex boasts four distinct peaks. The jet points to the one closest to the core, which is also the most compact (Hardcastle et al.), so this seems to be the current impact point of the jet. Unfortunately even Hardcastle et al's image leaves it hard to imagine the fluid flows that could lead to the rest of this structure. Hardcastle et al. show that the outer component of the north-west hotspot complex is a thin rim along the outer edge of the lobe, which is probably the impact point on that side; the rest of the north-west structure should then be due to material flowing back into the lobe.

The distortion of the inner south-east lobe towards the north-east seems to be part of a large coherent ring perpendicular to the DRAGN axis, suggesting a huge eddy within the lobe.

4C 14.11 was added to the 3CRR sample by Laing, Riley & Longair (1983) as its flux in the more accurate 4CT survey was high enough that it should have been included in 3CR. Most likely it was omitted simple due to random errors in 3CR. A side effect is that it has not been studied as intensively as other sample members (e.g. there are no HST images).

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Page created: 2009 Apr 2 14:16:42
J. P. Leahy