We've got another bumper show for you starting with some interviews we recorded at the Modern Radio Universe conference. We talk to the Astronomer Royal, find out about adapting spacecraft technology to track TB on Earth, the successor to SMART1, and how astronomers and particle physicists are using the Moon as a huge neutrino detector. We listen to audience comments on the fantastic Space 50 event where the Lovell Telescope was turned into a giant projector screen and then we have our main interview about the Dark Energy Survey. We also have an announcement about an event being held in Macclesfield on 27th October. Finally, we answer your questions in Ask an Astronomer.
Show Links
Interview with Donna Kubik (Fermilab)
- MP3: Download this segment individually (low and high bandwidth versions)
- Fermilab
- The Dark Energy Survey
Interview with Dr Geraint Morgan (Open University)
- MP3: Download this segment individually (low and high bandwidth versions)
- ESA's Rosetta spacecraft
- ESA's Rosetta lander
Interview with Clancy James (University of Adelaide)
- MP3: Download this segment individually (low and high bandwidth versions)
- LUNASKA at the University of Adelaide
- Cherenkov Radiation
Interview with Dr Barry Kellet (Rutherford Appleton Laboratories)
- MP3: Download this segment individually (low and high bandwidth versions)
- D-CIXS instrument
- C1XS instrument
Space 50 Reactions
- MP3: Download this segment individually (low and high bandwidth versions)
- The Space 50 Event
- Flickr images of Space 50: Jonathan Fox
- Flickr images of Space 50: Vivling
- Flickr images of Space 50: Duncan_74
- Flickr images of Space 50: Moon Boots
- Flickr images of Space 50: julianwilliams
- Flickr images of Space 50: Mark Turnbull
- Flickr images of Space 50: marcus_and_sue
Notice: Macclesfield Astronomical Society workshop day
- MP3: Download this segment individually (low and high bandwidth versions)
- Macclesfield Astronomical Society
- British Astronomical Association
- Event press release
Ask an astronomer - redshifts and the ISS
- MP3: Download this segment individually (low and high bandwidth versions)
- Galaxy Zoo
- Redshift Distance Calculator
- Ned Wright's Cosmology Calculator
- Paper: "A Cosmology Calculator for the World Wide Web", E.L. Wright, PASP, Vol. 118, Issue 850, pp 1711-1715
- Paper: "Distance measures in cosmology", D. W. Hogg, astro-ph/9905116
- International Space Station
- Space Station Crew Sets up Network, Preps for Progress Undocking, September 16, 2007
- Progress M-60 Cargo Transport Mission ends
- Discover when you can see the International Space Station where you live
Show Credits
Interview: | Donna Kubik and Nick Rattenbury |
Interview: | Sir Martin Rees and Nick Rattenbury |
Interview: | Dr Geraint Morgan and Nick Rattenbury |
Interview: | Clancy James and Nick Rattenbury |
Interview: | Dr Barry Kellet and Nick Rattenbury |
Interview: | Visitors interviewed by Stuart Lowe |
Notice: | Andrew Greenwood (Macclesfield Astronomical Society) |
Ask an Astronomer: | Edward Boyce and Nick Rattenbury |
Presenters: | Nick Rattenbury and Stuart Lowe |
Challenge setter: | David Ault |
Editor: | Stuart Lowe |
Segment Guest Presenter: | Jenny Williams |
Website: | Stuart Lowe |
Cover art: | The Lovell Telescope projected onto the Lovell Telescope at the Space 50 event 5th October 2007. The projected image shows part of the First Light event which was performed by Jem Finer & Ansuman Biswas. Credit: Anthony Holloway, Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics |