Gravitational lens simulator

Specify the parameters below and hit Submit. The result will be a 128x128 grid with the lensed image of a source at the specified position plotted in yellow contours. The source is indicated by a red dot and the galaxy (fixed at (64,64) on the grid) by a green dot. If requested, the caustics are plotted in blue and the Fermat surfaces in purple. You can obtain help on any parameter by clicking on its name.

Galaxy Einstein radius:
(in pixels)
Galaxy orientation:
(angle in degrees)
Galaxy ellipticity:
(between 0.0=circular and 1.0=line)
Source X position:
(value in pixels from 0 to 128)
Source y position:
(value in pixels from 0 to 128)
Source major axis:
(size of source in pixels)
Not used at the moment:
Not used at the moment:
Not used at the moment:
Model Type: Plot caustics?: Plot Fermat surfaces?: