16: 2022-02-22: - The tool fitvonMises was added - The -minmod option was added to pspec - The 2dfs will have a "note" in the history with details about how the 2dfs was generated. This can be written out as psrsalsa binary format, or the psrfits-like output format. - pspec writes out the expected rms level in the 2dfs'es it generates (based on the offpulse spectra). - Offpulse rms'es, if defined by a process, can be written out in psrsalsa binary format and PSRFITS format. This means an increase in version number of the psrsalsa binary format, and an (potential) additional entry in the subint table of a PSRFITS file which is written out. - pspecDetect uses the rms in the header by default, rather than relying on the rms to be determined interactively. The user can still do this interactively if desired (using the -manual_rms option). - pspec now does a check if there are multiple frequency channels in the input data, as this is not handled by the code. - pspecDetect reports the sign convention of P2 and added the -flipsignP2 and -nocounters options. - The measured values in cpp are now reported in verbose mode - The output of pspec had duplicated history lines under certain conditions, which has been fixed. - Added the -rms_table option in pheader - When the -int option is used in pspecFig, the lines are draw differently. In particular, they deal better with both dark and light backgrounds because of the alternating colours. - Added the -titledy option in pspecFig - Some additional debug information has been added - The -onpulsef option wasn't checking if too many regions are defined. - Solved some compiler warnings in rmsynth 15: 2021-03-09: - Changed the DM constant to be consistent with tempo2, psrchive etc. - Sigproc files with the undocumented "ibeam" parameter are read in. - The write fits header function will cope with undefined subint times by making the observation 1 second in length. - Implemented handling of the name of the observer, and the project ID corresponding to an observation - The references to the /tmp/ directory are now controlled via a #define - Updated location of MeerKAT - pspec/pspecDetect/pspecFig: - Added the -evenonpulse option in pspec - The DC channel in the 2dfs was not subtracted out perfectly because of a bug, although in practice this was hardly noticible. - Fixed the P2 axis range calculation, which was slightly wrong. - Fixed the modulation index calculation via the LRFS as the Nyquist frequency contribution to the variance was not normalised correctly. For large fft lengths this makes only a very small difference (of order 1/nfft), hence one would not expect to notice the difference in general. - pspecFig: Added the -intflip option - For 2nd 2dfs the horizontal integration subpanel the range taken was not working properly when there are two 2dfs's plotted. - In the top panel, the profile etc could start later/end early compared to the horizontal range of the panel. This is now fixed. - The -f option is renamed -noflip, although -f still works for backward compatibility - Simplified the code, and 2dfs plotting makes use of xrange parameters when available, which makes the code more robust for different panels being derived from differently binned data. - Deals with differences in the resolution of the profile/spectra better - The 2dfs plots now show the full range properly without missing half-bins etc. - ppol/ppolFig: Added ellipticity/distribution/Poincare options - ppolFig - The -herrorbar2 option is changed into -herrorbarpa, although the -herrorbar2 options remains working as usual. - pplot: Added the ctrl-w option in interactive mode - Fixed a bug which could result in incorreclty set colour scale for a grayscale/colour plot when zooming in - When zapping is done in interactive mode, the results will be written to a temporary file when quiting the program, in case the user forgot to save the results and regrets is soon afterwards. - ppolFit: The 'c' option can also be used to specify user-defined contour levels and the -maxh option was added - pdist: Added the -norm option in pdist - pstat: Added the -nread option to pstat - padd: Added -freqadd - Fixed help, debug information, memory leaks, and compiler warning, with very unlikely consequences, but still.... 14: 2020-01-18 - Added the greps scripts provided by Maciej Serylak - Added the -iformat option in ppolFig - Fixed typo in help of the -sigma option in ppol - Implemented handling of the name of the observer, and the project ID corresponding to an observation - Improved various error messages 13: 2019-07-25 - Clarified help - pheader -c accepts more aliases of the same parameters - Potential problem when opening multiple input files resulting in a segmentation fault - A specific error is given if data in timer format is being tried to be read in - Improved the reading of header information for older PSRFITS versions. - Improved read speed of psrfits files. - Implemented the inferno colour map - Added the -cont option in pplot - Added the -titlescale option in pspecFig - Added the -labels, -lw and -vp options in pdist. - Made the code compilable on MAC OS X - Made some changes to code to reduce compiler warnings. This shouldn't impact the behaviour, except in an unsignificant way related to rounding errors etc. - Increased efficiency of some pgplot related code 12: 2018-12-03 - Added rmsynth to the distribution, which can be used to measure RM's, either longitude resolved or as the overall RM. - Fixed potential issue with uninitialised variable if the OBSFREQ keyword is set to an undefined value in a psrfits file. - Clarified help in various places - Allowed additional alternative descriptions of header parameter nsub in the -header command-line option - Added the -ksflat2 option in pstat 11: 2018-08-02 - Improved help in various places - Fixed a potential bug related to the -select option in pdist when using ascii files. - For psrfits SEARCH mode files: if the DM/RM are not set, there is no longer an attempt to find them in the ephemeris, as that will not exist in search mode data. - Added FAST as a known location - Removed some code to find out machine name, as the used function has become obsolete. - The -skiplines option was added to pstat - Selecting a subint range now works with the -memsave option 10: 2018-04-26 - Support for non-uniformly spaced frequency channels has been improved - Changed that by default for psrfits files with single frequency channes the - Added the -useweights and -uniformweights options to give the user more cont - Fixed some warnings about unused variables - pplot: The 'I' option had the bin at which the max/min occured swapped aroun - Clarified help in places - In pspecFig the -no2dfs option was loading the file, although not plotted - Added the MeerKAT telescope position - Added pfold to the repository 9: 2017-10-16 - Non-uniformly distributed frequency channels, as allowed in psrfits files, are now somewhat supported - Fixed an issue with ppolFit -printnofit when -l or -pa are not specified on the command line. - ppolFig was added to the distribution to make plots from the output of ppol. Some functionality is moved from ppol to the new ppolFig. - ppolFit: Fixed a bug related to an possible uninitialised variable when using the -dh option - The total degree of polarization (when computed) is handled more consistently throughout the code. - Command line options are more robustly handled. - pspec: Reduced unnecesary warning about not-used fft-size when doing a p3 fold. - Reduced the amount of static memory use - Changed the way pgplot parameters are passed on between functions - Fixed various non-initialised variables - Solved some memory leaks, although they are very unlikely to be significant in practice - ppolFit: disabled the generation of "fps.out" files their meaning was unclear and undocumented. The dump files containing information about the grid-search now stores the used command line. - Partial reads of the sigproc binary format are now possible - Improved error handling of some runtime errors - pstat: Added the -median option 8: 2017-04-06 - In pconv, if the -header option was used multiple times, it resulted in multiple warnings. - A warning is generated when the reference frequency is not a normal number during writing out of fits files. - An infinite reference frequency is now encoded as 1e10 - A more robust command-line option parsing is used in selected programs. - The -nfft option can also be specified as -fftlength in pspec - The -libversions option was added to selected programs. - Different versions of gsl should result in compilable code, but with reduced functionality depending on the version number - The -paoffsetoutput option was added to ppol - The -header option now supports the yrange parameter 7: 2016-12-16 - Added the -rotateStokes option 6: 2016-12-01 - Added the pdist -select option - Added the pmod -onpulse_subst_noise option - Added the pmod -norm_global option - Added the pplot -clip option - Improved help in several places - Implemented the -norm_global and -clip options - Added the DIVREDBLUE colour map 5: 2016-09-08 - Implemented the psrsalsa binary format. Yet another format, but it has some advantages over psrfits in some situations. - Clarified help. - Folded data with only 1 pulse longitude bin is now supported. - The -nskip and -nread options are added to ppol, and the -oformat option used to only work in limited cases. - pspecFig is doing a check for nan's/inf's in the profile/modulation index data. - The -scalerange option is added to ppol. - The -p3zap option in pspec can now be specified in cpp or in bins. 4: 2016-08-22 - In pspecFig the following options are added: -normspectra, -showwedge, -normside, -intnrs and -phase This allows all spectral powers to be properly labeled. It also allows all spectral powers (main panels and side panels) to be scaled, avoiding arbitrary numbers. If desired, the pulse longitude axis can be expressed in phase rather than degrees. - Improved some warnings - Increased the precision of the DM constant - Changed von Mises definition/code from float precision to double 3: 2016-07-07 - The -correl option was missing from the help of pstat - Added the -pearson option in pstat - The "no pulse period set" warning in readHeaderPSRData() appeared only appeared when it was not relevant. - Definition of search mode was inconsistent when the fold period=0. Now only negative periods automatically imply search mode. Only affects things when header information is incomplete, for instance when reading in ascii files. If period=0 the file was never read in without the software terminating, because subint lengths were undefined. Now it should be possible to use such a file. - Improved debug capabilities of errors in get_channelbw() and get_period() - Reduced the number of warnings about data not being folded when dealing with search-mode data 2: 2016-06-09 - Added the -moments option in pstat 1: 2016-05-20 - First released version. Hooray!