The Jodrell Bank Low-Noise
Amplifier Page

Second amplifier image showing size comparison

. T he image opposite shows a typical L-Band amplifier with it's cover removed, revealing the bonded semiconductors and associated biasing components. All bonding is carried out on site at NRAL Jodrell Bank-
by Eddie.... E-mail Eddie with your questions on bonding cryogenic

Please click here or on the image for a larger version.

. Amplifiers are constructed and optimized to work at cryogenic temperatures in the order of 10 Kelvin, and are used at the primary Radio Astronomy frequencies of:- 408MHz, 610MHz, 1440MHz, 1660MHz, 5GHz, 15GHz, 22GHz and 33GHz.

Typical noise figures are less than .2 dB (cooled).

Some of the amplifiers are adapted from the original designs by NRAO in Charlottesville Virginia USA.


The Very Small Array is a joint venture between the following observatories



It consists of an array of 10 small horn antennas, which will make images of the cosmic microwave background radiation of unprecedented detail and sensitivity. When completed, around the time of the Millenium, the VSA will provide the answers to many fundamental questions concerning astronomers today.

VSA Cryostat

VSA Cryostat image

Content of this Web site does not necessarily reflect the official views of The University of Manchester Jodrell Bank.

This web page was created in my own time and with my own resources.

Contact :- Tony Blackburn