COBRA-performance: Theory versus Reality

COBRA-performance: Theory versus Reality

Michael Kramer


In order to select the best processor type for COBRA, we had designed two benchmark tests, both based on Princeton MkIV code that will be in parts utilised in COBRA. Most of all comparisons have been carried out using Version 7 (``disk7'').

The first part of the benchmark performs forward Fast-Fourier Transforms (on two arrays), resulting in an efficiency measured in MSamples/sec (test 1). The second test performs the full de-dispersion code, including the chirp function and folding (test 2). Here, the benchmark result is a ratio of computation to observing time, as a function of dispersion measure, (which translates to ).

In the following, we will assume that it is the FFT which is dominating the computation time. As will later see, that is not completely true. All calculations will be done for a sky frequency of 1400 MHz.


The time over which de-dispersion has to be performed is assumed to be twice the smearing time, $\Delta t$, across the band, $\bw$. We will call this time the observing time, i.e.

where both bandwidth and centre frequency are measured in MHz. The bandwidth is the bandwidth {\em processed by a single processor at a single instant}. Assuming a centre frequency of 1400 MHz, we can reduce that to

We assume complex sampling and express the sampling time as

where the time is measured in seconds and bandwidth in MHz. The number of samples per FFT is then given by

which for 1400 MHz reduces to

According to theory, the computation time for the FFTs should scale as

where k is the scaling constant which we expect to be of the order of 1/clockspeed of the processor as we will need a few clock cycles per array element. Using Eqn.~(\ref{nfft}), we obtain:

The ratio of compute to observe time is then

One can view this as a linear increase with bandwidth, where the slope is a relatively weak function of DM and bandwidth. In reality this is not true but we except discrete jumps in the performance when the FFT size exceeds the cache size.

The number of processors needed for a total of 100 MHz of bandwidth is given by

and should only be weakly affected by the bandwidth that we feed to each processor. However, due to the different performance using cache and main memory, that will not be true in reality. As we will see, a comparison with reality will force us to modify Eqns.~(\ref{co}) and (\ref{num}) by another scaling factor, $A$, which takes into account overheads, additional backwards transforms and the contributions from chirp and folding:


We do not expect the factor $A$ to be a pure constant as folding and chirp also depend on $\nfft$. As we will see, however, the variety is in fact modest for the in-cache and out-cache regions of the parameter space. Nevertheless, we will calibrate $A$ as a function of $\nfft$, which will allow us to scale $\nproc$ for a various bandwidths but {\em fixed} FFT length (i.e. different DMs though, see later).

We can summarize the various scaling laws in Table 1. Using algorithms which perform FFTs only on powers of 2, we introduce discrete jumps in these relationships. This not strictly necessary anymore using FFTW and should be explored to make the performance more efficient in such cases when $\nfft$ just exceeds a $2^m$-boundary. These jumps have been included in Figures 1 and 2, which also summarize the various dependencies.

Table 1: Scaling laws for various quantities assuming a centre frequency of 1400 MHz. Bandwidths are measured in MHz, times in seconds. Note that in reality some scaling laws are only valid for parts of the parameter space.

Figure 1. The scaling laws as function of bandwidth processed by a single processor at a single instant for various dispersion measures.

Figure 2. The scaling laws as function of dispersion measure for various bandwidths processed by a single processor at a single instant.


We have already accounted for possible differences to the real-world behaviour by introducing the factor $A$. Also the scale factor $k$ originating in Eqn.~(\ref{comp}) needs to be calibrated. We will do this here and compare our expected behaviour with the test results for two processors, which we will abbreviate here with $J$ and $D$.

While $J$ is an Swinburne Athlon processor (Jocelyn), $D$ is Pentium-III (833 MHz, fast 1 GB RAM-bus). We hence expect $J$ to be dominant for short, and $D$ for long FFTs.

In turns out that the graphs obtained from the benchmarking as a whole do not follow the simple scaling laws as other factors as cache size are dominating. However, in various smaller regions of the parameter space they are followed as expected.

Figure 3. Test results (top: test 1, bottom: test 2) for both $J$ and $D$, each processing 1.25 MHz bandwidth.

In Figure 3 we present the test results for $J$ and $D$. The efficiency measured in test 1 (top of figure) clearly shows the transition where $\nfft$ exceeds the cache size. As expected, this is more prominent for $J$ which does not have a wide RAM-bus.

The efficiency $e$ measured in test 1 can be written as

in units of $10^6$ samples\footnote{ The benchmarking code actually uses $1024\times1024=1.05\cdot 10^6$ samples, Hence, we introduce here an error of 5\% which will however be absorbed in our scaling. }, where we used Eqn.~(\ref{comp}). Using the results from test 1 we can therefore calibrate $k$. Inspecting the plots one notices that the expected scaling is only valid for more than $10^4$ samples. While for this region $D$ can be fitted by a single $k$, \[ k_D=3.42\cdot10^{-8} ({\rm s}) = 1/(29{\rm MHz}), \] we need two different $k$'s for $J$: \[ k_J(\nfft=2^{14} - 2^{17})=4.0 \cdot 10^{-8} ({\rm s}) = 1/ (25 {\rm MHz}) \] and \[ k_J(\nfft=2^{18} - 2^{20})=6.5 \cdot 10^{-8} ({\rm s}) =1/ (15 {\rm MHz}) \] It is comforting to see that $1/k$ is indeed of the order of the clock speed.

Knowing k via e we can also calculate the theoretical C/O. Using Eqn.~(\ref{co2}) and (\ref{eff}) solved for $k$, we simply obtain:

This is a very simple relationship which gives a direct relationship between the measured efficiency and the compute-to-observed ratio for a given bandwidth. It is important to note, however, that $e$ is a function of $\nfft$ obviously, and hence C/O does not directly scale with $\bw$, as it was already discussed in context of Eqn.~(\ref{co}). However, having measured $e$, we can easily calibrate the factor $A$ by comparing the theoretical C/O with what is actually measured in test 2. The comparisons of theoretical values with measured ones are given for J in Table 2 and D in Table 3.

Table 2: Comparison of theoretical and measured compute to observed ration for $J$. Column 1 gives the number of samples, column 2 the corresponding DM for 1.25 MHz bandwidth, the third column is the theoretical C/O based on test 1 results, column 4 list the values actually measured with test 2. The overhead factor $A$ is given in column 5. The last column is the number of processors needed for 100 MHz, using the calibration factor $A$.}

Table 3: Comparison of theoretical and measured compute to observed ration for D. Columns as in table for J.

Due to the power of two requirement assumed for the FFT, the same $\nfft$ appears sometimes for several DMs. The value of $A$ obviously depends not only on $\nfft$ but also on overlap etc. Typical values for $A$ seem to be between 3 and 5.\footnote{This is also indicated by looking at results for other processors}

We can use the actual values to calculate now accurately the number of processors needed to process 100 MHz. The result is presented in Figure 4. For 1.25 MHz, where the transforms are small, one would, as expected, choose $J$. Knowing all the quantities we can now also predict the performance for de-dispersing a chunk of 10 MHz at a single instant by a single processor. We do this by using a given value of $\nfft$ to estimate a corresponding DM for a 10-MHz bandwidth (ignoring powers of 2 boundaries). The results are shown for $J$ and $D$. As the transforms now become longer, one would go for $D$, as expected.

Figure 4. Number of processors of type $J$ and $D$ needed to process a total of 100 MHz for a given bandwidth. The calculation is done assuming that the total bandwidth is split into chunks of 1.25 and 10 MHz, respectively.


The test results can be understood in terms of the theoretical background. Although the curves do not follow the expected trend as a whole, essential parts can be understood. For quantitative conclusions one has to assume that an additional factor $A$ of 3--5 has to be added to the theoretical compute to observed ratio. It appears that the actual value of $A$ is more or less independent on architecture. Using this scaling factor and the measured efficiency $e$, one can safely calculate the C/O ratio for a particular (instantaneous) bandwidth, using

Comparing the k-values for J and D for the largest $\nfft$ is difficult since we are dealing with different processor types. Results for processors of a given type however indicate that processor speed alone is not the dominating factor. It is hence bold to assume that C/O may really scale with clock speed, but Fig. 4 gives hope that 160 processors running at 1.4-GHz may just do de-dispersing in 10-MHz chunks. Benchmarks on Pentium IV are also essential. It seems certainly a promising way to indeed do a short FFT first in order to produce a slightly coarser data stream, which then should be relatively easy to process. This relates to the question about designing a ``score''-program. Figure 4 shows that presently it is essential to know whether 1.25 or 10 MHz chunks should be processed.

In any case, there is also room for improvement in the present scheme: The final result depends linearly on $A$ which most likely can be reduced by improving the code. This may be in fact the easiest way to enhance the performance. It also appears that an attempt to incooperate non power-of-two FFTs will be necessary to ensure a smooth performance curve. The latter aspect may be in particular interesting when looking at the efficiencies of the codes: at the moment, we take the next largest power of two as needed perform the calculations. It is often more efficient to increase the length of an individual FFT relative to the ``wing'' size. That will however also depend on the performance of the switch, i.e. the balance between processor and switch speed. Test with the real system will be necessary.

This document was generated by Pulsar on November 15, 2001