Multibeam utilities

SPD - Displays correlator data

Use graphics device
              sel 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8     selects signals to display
                                      (8 graphs)
              sel 1+2, 3+4, 5+6, 7+8  4 graphs/2 signals/graph
              sel *                   as above
              sel 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8     all spectra on one page
              sel aa                  all a pols
              sel bb                  all b pols
              l                       displays lags
              a                       displays amplitudes (autoscaled)
              a ymin ymax             scales y-axis
              channels xmin xmax      scales xaxis
              h                       help
              x                       toggles display between 
                                      frequency and channels
              write                   dumps a postscript file to COR$LASER:MDB.PS
                                      on ARTHUR

              write colour            dumps a colour postscript file to COR$LASER:MDB.CPS
                                      on ARTHUR
              redraw                  refreshes scren
              save                    Saves current frequency spectrum amplitude or 
                                           average - if enabled - as the reference. 
              gif, nogif              Writes a gif file "spd.gif", continuously updating. 
                                      "nogif" switches back to initially selected pgplot device.  

              p                       frequency spectrum phase
              r                       frequency spectrum real part
              i                       frequency spectrum imaginary part
              d                       frequency spectrum difference from previously stored reference.
              q                       frequency spectrum quotient with previously stored reference.

MBD - Displays total power data

Use graphics device
              sel 1,2,3,4             selects all the traces, calon, caloff
                                      left and right pol for the first beam  
              sel 1-2,3-4,5-6         selects the calon-caloff differences. 

              sca                     autoscales y-axis
              sca y1 y2               fixes yscale

              write                   dumps a postscript file to COR$LASER:MDB.PS
                                      on ARTHUR

              write colour            dumps a colour postscript file to COR$LASER:MDB.CPS
                                      on ARTHUR

              file                    dumps a data file COR$LASER:JB_MBD.DAT
              redraw                  refreshes screen



This utility can be run from any window logged in to ARTHUR and allows control of the programmable attenuators.
It's a bit crude, but first choose which beam you wish to examine or alter. The program will read out the current setting and request a new one for the two channels in that beam. Either type in -1 for an unchanged channel, or a new setting (range is 0 to 31.5 in .5 dB steps).
Q (or anything else the program doesn't like) will quit ATTSET.
Remember it takes a couple of integrations before a change will be displayed.

rasched and decshed

These utilities are held in /home/multi/Progs and allow scanning schedules to be produced.


A simple utility to rotate the multibeam receiver.
Type MBSET at the VMS prompt. A reading of the current receiver position will be made, then you can enter a new position. The program will display the receiver position until it has reached your demanded position, then exit.
Note: Telescope control must be assigned to ARTHUR and no other process (eg. Pulsars or multi) should have control (see MCDSP). CTRL-C will abort the process. Also note the the receiver rotation has a range of +30 degrees to 330 degrees.


A utility to show the telescope data for all telescopes. Type MCDSP at the VMS prompt to get a display showing the current state of the Lovell telescope which will update every 2 secs.
Pressing the up or down arrow keys or typing a telescope number will display a different telescope (range 0 to 8)
Pressing the 'Any_other_key' will exit the program


This program can be used to change the setting of the Link Hut LO if this is in use. It MUST be run from one of ARTHUR's local terminals, eg the Tektronix or Falco. The Lovell telescope is number 0.


A utility to backup a day's scan data onto Exabyte tape. Drift data files should be backed up to a separate tape (see below).

Put a backup tape in the Exabyte tape drive on top of the VAX cabinet in the observing room. (It can be a new tape or a tape with some data already on it). Put the tape drive into High Density mode (push the button if HD is unlit), compression isn't much use on binary data, so don't use this (though it won't matter much if you forget).

At the VAX prompt type TAPEBACKUP, and follow the questions. Here's a sample dialog.

Multibeam data backup - excluding drift files
Enter Tape number eg 1059 : 1128
Is this a NEW TAPE? y
OK? y
....This may take a few minutes....
Enter day to backup as YY-MM-DD 02-12-27
Backing up 02-12-27*.MBF; to saveset 021227 at start of NEW tape MB1128
Continue? y
Mounting tape... Backing up data
Add another day to this tape? : n
Dismount tape : y
Dismounting and spitting out tape.....
Do you want to delete 00-06-21*.MBF; :n   (or yes)
If the tape already contains data, answer N to the new tape question, and the data will be appended to the end of the tape. (Don't worry about the initial tape rewind, it needs to get it's bearings, and should then start FF to the end of tape.


A utility to backup a days drift data onto Exabyte tape.

Put a backup tape in the Exabyte tape drive on top of the VAX cabinet in the observing room. (It can be a new tape or a tape with some data already on it). Put the tape drive into High Density mode (push the button if HD is unlit), compression isn't much use on binary data, so don't use this (though it won't matter much if you forget).

At the VAX prompt type DRIFTBACKUP, and follow the questions. Here's a sample dialog.

Multibeam drift data backup
Enter Tape number eg 1059 : 1072
Is this a NEW TAPE? n
Enter day to backup as YY-MM-DD 00-06-21
Backing up 00-06-21*DRIFT*.MBF; to saveset 000621 
at end of data on tape DR1072
Continue? Y
Mounting tape... Backing up data
Add another day to this tape? n
Type dismount $exabyte to remove tape from drive
If the tape is new, answer Y to the new tape question, and the tape will be initialised (wiping any existing files), before data is written to the tape (you get asked to confirm this).


This is a standalone version of  MBCOR which is useful for testing. It does not need multi/tkmulti. It does not control the telescope. It does not produce MBF files. It does not make use of calibration data.

JDCOR is run on the VAX, and started in exactly the same way.
If MBcor is already running, just stop it  (stop the scanning using tkmulit, then type EXIT in the MBCOR display window).
To  start JDCOR,  type JDCOR at the prompt left after MBCOR exited. (multi/tkmulti can be left running).

To start JDCOR from scratch:
On an X-windows machine,  start a Xsession on the computer of your choice.
     If necessary, allow access to your computer by ARTHUR, (xhost +arthur).
     Telnet to Arthur and Login as MULTI.
     Set Arthur to produce output on your screen as follows:

             xdisplay xxxx                              where xxx is the name of your unix box. If this doesn't work try....

      Create 3 DECTerms as follows


     On a DECTERM window start the correlator test driver JDCOR

                 ART$ START_WINDOWS
                 ART$ JDCOR

     The following commands are accepted by JDCOR


Last modified: Wed Jan 17 14:17:27 GMT 2001