Tree structure of U106 automatically compiled from called VCF/BED data
Created using the REDUX pipeline by Iain McDonald (version 1.0.1)
Updated: Fri 08 Dec 2017 12:54:25 STD
Historical events: Mouse-over boxes or see below for a key to abbreviations
Age uncertainties: Mouse-over circles to display. Example:
The top (red) line gives the random uncertainty, caused by the random nature of SNP generation. Each SNP is able to move around freely by this amount, with proportionally smaller movement for neighbouring SNPs to accommodate this change.
The bottom (blue) line gives the systematic uncertainty, caused by the uncertainty in the mutation rate. The whole tree can stretch or squash by this amount.
The thick purple line gives the total uncertainty, which is the combination of the above two factors.
Three different strengths of band are given. These correspond to the 68, 95 and 99.5% confidence intervals.
We can respectively be 68, 95 and 99.5% sure that the common ancestor was born between these bounds.