Tree structure of U106

Tree structure of U106 automatically compiled from called VCF/BED data
Created using the REDUX pipeline by Iain McDonald (version 1.0.1)
Updated: Fri 08 Dec 2017 12:54:25 STD

Historical events: Mouse-over boxes or see below for a key to abbreviations
Age uncertainties: Mouse-over circles to display. Example:
68%"} 95%"} 99.5%"} Random uncertainty in each SNP"} Systematic uncertainty in the mutation rate"} Total uncertainty"}


A simplified list of regional cultures is indicated at the top of the tree above. Solid blocks show when they occupy a particular region. When overlapping cultures exist, the newer culture is shown (e.g. Corded Ware is shown even when Globular Amphorae finds still occur).

Location key:

Abbreviation Boundaries

UKRAINE Modern Ukraine and surrounding countries, including Moldova, Belarus, the Dniper-Don valley system.
E. BALTIC Baltic States (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and neighbouring parts of Russia, Belarus and N. Poland
E. EUROPE Czech and Slovak republics, southern Poland.
S.E. EUROPE Romania, Bulgaria, Greece and former Yugoslav countries.
DANUBE Central and upper Danube valley, including Hungary, Austria, parts of Slovakia, Switzerland and German Bavaria.
NOR./SWE. Modern Norway and Sweden, focussing on the southern regions
N. GER./DEN. Northern Germany, including the Elbe valley, excluding the Rhine valley. Also includes Jutland and Danish Isles.
UPPER RHINE Western Germany, NE France, Luxembourg
LOW CTRIES. North Sea coast, including Belgium and the Netherlands, but neighbouring parts of NW Germany and northernmost France.
FRANCE Modern France.
GR. BRIT. Modern Scotland, England and Wales, including outlying islands.
IRELAND Modern Republic and Northern Ireland, including outlying islands.
MED. The north-western Meditteranian: Italy, Spain, Portugal, southern France and surrounding islands.
CLIMATE Climatalogical events with no fixed location.

Culture key:

Code Culture Description Sources

Ba. Baden Copper Age central European culture. Chronology from circa 3600 BC. Thought to be polygenetic.
EGK Corded Ware Candidate primary Indo-European expansion from Yamnaya culture into Europe. Contains Single Grave culture in west and Battle Axe culture in north. Furholt (2014)
KAK Globular amphorae Kugelamphoren-Kultur: An late Neolithic Indo-European culture, likely spreading from near modern Moldova. Woidich (2014), Mallory & Adams (1997, 2006).
PWC Pitted Ware culture Late Neolithic group, considered of non-Indo-European origin, occupying southern Scandinavia
TBK Funnelbeaker Trichter(-rand-)becherkultur: Late Neolithic group, considered of non-Indo-European origin.