
Description: NGC3690 is a pair of merging galaxies - groups of hundreds of millions of stars crashing into each other. This particular pair lies around 145 million light years from Earth. The bright knots are star-forming regions caused by compression waves in the colliding gas clouds the two galaxies. Several other small galaxies can be seen in the image.

Image information: 104 x 10s unfiltered images, taken 00:10 10/03/2007, stacked and combined. A mild unsharp mask (r=3, r=6, 30%) has been applied and histogram shaping has been employed to bring out the details.

Physical information:
NGC3690A: Mag 12.0, size 1.6'x1.4', class Sb/pec, aka. Mk171
NGC3690B: Mag 11.7, size 2.0'x1.7', class Sb/pec, aka. Arp299

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