The Moon

Description: A mosaic of the moon during twighlight - needs no further introduction! Click for a larger (1.2MB) version.

Image information: Mosaic of 17 x 0.12s images taken in the B band. Image taken at 03/05/2006 20:31-20:49 UT. Mosaic performed in Serif DrawPlus 6.

Physical information: Diameter: 30'28", distance 397211 km, altitude 51 degrees, magntiude -9.5, phase: 37.1%.

Description: When do you get a moon this full? Just after a lunar eclipse! Click for a larger (1.36MB) version.

Image information: Mosaic of 58 x 0.12s images taken in the B band. Image taken at 07/09/2006 22:03-23:18 UT. Mosaic performed in Serif DrawPlus 6 and boundaries removed using Paint Shop Pro.

Physical information: Diameter: 31'04", distance 357221 km, altitude 23-28 degrees, magntiude -12.7, phase: 100.0%.

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