
Description: M94 is a reasonably bright spiral galaxy in Canes Venatici. The classic spiral structure can clearly be seen surrounding the bright core.

Image information: Stacked, dark-subtracted, registered combination of 30 x 10s unfiltered images. The image has undergone an unsharp mask (r=2.5) to enhance clarity. Image taken 01/05/2006 20:40 UT.

Description: Here is another, deeper image of M94, which shows the spiral pattern more clearly and the galaxy's core over-exposed. The inset shows the core correctly exposed.

Image information: Stacked, dark-subtracted, registered combination of 75 x 10s unfiltered images. The image has undergone an unsharp mask (r=3) to enhance clarity and a Gaussian blur (r=0.5) to reduce noise. Image taken 01/03/2006 23:45 UT.

Physical information: Magnitude: 8.9, size: 12.3'x10.8', classification: Sb, aka NGC4736.

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