M51 - the Whirlpool Galaxy

Description: M51, better known as the Whirlpool Galaxy, is an interacting galaxy pair in Canes Venatici. The second galaxy (with which it is interacting) is off the bottom of this image.

Image information: Stacked, dark-subtracted, registered combination of 20 x 10s unfiltered images. The image has undergone a Gaussian filter to enhance clarity, and then recombined with the original. Image taken 19/04/2006 21:45.

Description: A colour image, also showing the companion galaxy. A sky gradient exists in this image due to bright moonlight. This image is a combination of visible and infra-red wavelengths.

Image information: Stacked, calibrated, registered combination of 18 x 20s unfiltered images and 10 x 20s I, R and V-band images. Image taken 07/04/2006.

Physical information: Magnitude: 8.9, size: 10.8'x6.6', classification: Sbc, aka NGC5194.

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