Comet C/2007 E1 Garradd

Description: A faint comet, Garradd hovered around 14th magnitude while it swept past the Earth in April 2007.

Description:Which way is the comet's tail pointing? Left or right? Neither. The top image shows the comet trailing across the sky, with the stars fixed, while the bottom image shows the comet fixed, with the stars moving. The comet's apparent 'head' in the top image and 'tail' in the bottom image are in fact the 16th magnitude galaxy PGC 28982.

Image information: Stacked, dark-subtracted, registered combination of 150 x 10s white-light images. Image taken 11/04/2007 22:10 UT.

Physical information: Magnitude: roughly 14.2, dist. from Earth: 0.5678AU.

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