Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics

Our Research

Position-angle only weak lensing shear estimator

The following file contains code (in IDL), along with an example dataset, that implements the position-angle only shear estimator first presented in Whittaker et al. (2014). The performance of the estimator was subsequently demonstrated on the GREAT3 simulations in Whittaker et al. (2015).

angle_only_estimator.tar.gz (85 MB)

If you have any questions regarding this code or its use, please contact the primary author, Lee Whittaker (lee.whittaker "at" manchester "dot" ac "dot" uk).

If you make use of this code or algorithm in any publications, we ask you to cite the following two papers:

Whittaker, Brown & Battye, 2014, MNRAS, 445, 1836
Whittaker, Brown & Battye, 2015, submitted to MNRAS, arXiv:1505.08131