program lk implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) real*8 rct(6000),rphase(6000),resid1(6000),resid2(6000), + xindex(6000),dayofyr(6000) character*1 an character*32 infile data infile/'resid2.tmp'/ c Take Care!! Behaviuor of iargc changes if HP9000_800 INTRINSICS is on c (which is necessary to access getarg). Then it counts the c program name as number one! - mk if(iargc().gt.1) call getarg(1,infile) open(32,file=infile,form='unformatted',status='old') 1 rewind 32 ctmin=1.d30 ctmax=0. do 3 i=1,5999 read(32,end=4) ct,dt2,dt2sec,phase,freq,w,terr,y rct(i)=ct if( ctmin=ct if( ctmax=ct resid1(i)=y p0=dt2sec/dt2 rphase(i)=phase resid2(i)=dt2 xindex(i)=i 3 dayofyr(i)=mod(ct,365.25d0) 4 npts=i-1 10 xnpts=npts r1=0. r2=0. do 11 i=1,npts r1=dmax1(r1,dabs(resid1(i))) 11 r2=dmax1(r2,dabs(resid2(i))) 12 print*,'Enter command: ' read(*,1014) an 1014 format(a1) if(an.eq.'x') stop if(an.eq.'0') stop if('1') go to 20 print*,'Pre-fit residuals vs. date' call plt(rct,ctmin,ctmax,resid1,-r1,r1,npts,rct,p0) 20 if('3') go to 30 print*,'Pre-fit residuals vs. orbit phase' call plt(rphase,0.d0,1.d0,resid1,-r1,r1,npts,rct,p0) 30 if('2') go to 40 print*,'Post-fit residuals vs. date' call plt(rct,ctmin,ctmax,resid2,-r2,r2,npts,rct,p0) 40 if('4') go to 50 print*,'Post-fit residuals vs. orbit phase' call plt(rphase,0.d0,1.d0,resid2,-r2,r2,npts,rct,p0) 50 if('5') go to 60 print*,'Pre-fit residuals serially' call plt(xindex,1.0d0,xnpts,resid1,-r1,r1,npts,rct,p0) 60 if('6') go to 70 print*,'Post-fit residuals serially' call plt(xindex,1.0d0,xnpts,resid2,-r2,r2,npts,rct,p0) 70 if('7') go to 80 print*,'Pre-fit residuals vs. day of year' call plt(dayofyr,0.d0,365.25d0,resid1,-r1,r1,npts,rct,p0) 80 if('8') go to 100 print*,'Post-fit residuals vs. day of year' call plt(dayofyr,0.d0,365.25d0,resid2,-r2,r2,npts,rct,p0) 100 go to 12 end subroutine plt(x,xmin,xmax,y,ymin,ymax,npts,ct,p0) implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) real*8 x(npts),y(npts),ct(npts) character*1 iplt(70,17) character*26 letter data letter/'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'/ ys=16.999/(ymax-ymin) jz=-ymin*ys+1.5 jz=18-jz if( jz=1 if( jz=17 do 20 k=1,70 do 10 j=1,17 10 iplt(k,j)=' ' 20 iplt(k,jz)='-' sum=0. sq=0. xs=69.999/(xmax-xmin) do 50 i=1,npts sum=sum+y(i) sq=sq+y(i)**2 k=xs*(x(i)-xmin)+1.0001 j=ys*(y(i)-ymin)+1.5 j=18-j if( j=1 if( j=17 mark=mod(ifix(sngl(ct(i))),26)+1 50 iplt(k,j)=letter(mark:mark) rms=dsqrt(sq/npts - (sum/npts)**2) write(6,1030) 1030 format(1x,'+0------1------2------3------4------5------6', + '------7------8------9------+') write(6,1040) iplt 1040 format(' |',70a1,'|') write(6,1030) write(6,1050) ymax,ymax*p0*1.e6,rms,rms*p0*1.e6 1050 format(' Max:',f15.9,' P0,',f9.3,' us.',5x,'RMS:',f15.9, + ' P0,',f9.3,' us.') return end