Contacting staff at Jodrell Bank

This page provides all the names, postal & email addresses, telephone & fax numbers you should need to contact staff at Jodrell Bank Observatory.

Enquiries concerning the academic content of the course
Name Role E-mail Telephone Fax
Ian Morison Course tutor 01477 57 1321 01477 57 1618
Tim O'Brien Course tutor 01477 57 1321 01477 57 1618
Enquiries concerning administration of the course (fees, address changes etc)
Name Role E-mail Telephone Fax
Pat Stanway Administrator 01477 57 2650 01477 57 1618
Sarah Morris Administrator 01477 57 2650 01477 57 1618

Submitting coursework

Coursework can be submitted by e-mail, post or fax as appropriate. When making e-mail submissions please send to The postal address is given below and the fax number is shown in the table above. Clearly mark all work with your name, registration number and the date. These personal details should only be included on a  coversheet which can be detached before marking to ensure that the marker is unaware of the student's identity.

Office hours

Our office hours are typically 9am to 5pm (British Time) from Monday to Friday. Outside these times we will generally not be available to answer telephone enquiries so e-mails or faxes may be the best option.

Overseas telephone calls

If you are making an international call you will need to dial your country's international dialling code followed by 44 (for the UK) and then the number as above without the leading zero. For example, the observatory switchboard number would be +44 1477 571321 (where the + represents your own country's international dialling code).

Postal address

The postal address is as follows

Distance Learning
Jodrell Bank Observatory
University of Manchester
SK11 9DL
United Kingdom

Make sure all work is clearly labelled with the course title, your name and registration number and the date.